Welcome to Robichaux's

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These last few years have been a fucking whirlwind. I can confidently say I never thought I'd end up here, yet here I am. Standing outside the big gates of a school I never wanted to attend. I push them open and they gently creak as they swing in just enough it let me through. They slowly and softly close behind me, locking me in this moment, making it real.

I make my way up to the front steps and I just stand there staring at the big door. It's at least five times my height and I'm pretty average height I think. There's an ornate doorbell next to the door but it seems more decorative than anything. There's no indication there's even any sort of life behind this door.

Suddenly the door cracks open, inviting me to push it further. I mean I haven't made it all this way because I'm a pussy, so I push it and continue in. I enter an anteroom of sorts that is pretty bare. It sort of looks like a courthouse lobby and it makes me feel a bit uneasy. Everything in here is in different shades of light brown.

The floor being a soft beige and shiny with swirls of caramel brown. The walls are like a cream color, not technically brown but closer to that than white. I hear a door open and close from somewhere in the distance as I walk further into the house. My suitcase dragging silently behind me as I venture into the unknown.

"Hi. I'm Cordelia Goode, and you are?" A blonde says politely, it's as if she's done this countless times. It almost sounds like an automated response and I question myself as to if she's really here. Maybe she's just a simulation or a hologram. God you need to get some sleep. "Alicia Carey" I inform her, "alright, Alicia. How about we go to my office and have a chat" she says.

It wasn't a question more like a 'I'm going to walk away and I expect you to follow me' typa thing. So I nod and follow her down the hall she originally came from. I take a seat in an off-white cushioned chair with dark brown wooden arm rests and legs. "So what brings you here?" She asks with a soft smile, "I mean what brings anyone here" I mumble.

"Fair point. I suppose I can skip the formalities with you" she voices questioningly, "please" I agree. "What abilities do you have or which ones do you know of?" She asks. "Pyrokinesis" I giggle a bit at a memory of how I learned about that one. "Telekinesis, resurrection, I'm good with plants I don't really know how to explain that one" I list.

"I don't know isn't there some sort of test I can take? My memory isn't the sharpest at the moment" I chuckle darkly, "there is but I wanted to see if we could shorten it" she states. "Well you've come at quite a busy time so we'll schedule you're test for tomorrow morning at 5am" she says writing it down.

"5am?! Can't it be any later?" I whine, " 'fraid not. Tomorrow is a bit packed so that's the only time I can do it" she replies sympathetically. "Isn't there anyone else that can do it? No offense, you seem great but I'm really not a morning person" I plead. "Sorry darling, it doesn't work like that" she sighs, "alright. 5am tomorrow" I grumble.

"I'll come get you from your room at 4:45" she states, "this is just getting earlier and earlier" I sigh. "It'll be over in no time and you can sleep all day afterwards" she bargains, "that makes it better" I chuckle. "Well come on then. Let's get you to your room" she sighs standing up and letting me go out the room first.

We walk through a door and it's a completely different atmosphere. I can't even believe it's the same structure. "Did you travel far to get here?" She asks quietly, "no not really" I lied. "Alright well then we can just do the tour now" she decides. You and this damn lying, now look at you. I look over to her and she smirks slightly, she know what she's doing.

"You know I'm actually pretty tired, can we do it some other time?" I ask politely, "sure we can do it before your test" she states. Turning in a different direction which leads us to yet another hallway. How many fucking hallways are there damn it?! Wait did she say BEFORE the test?! "Oh god no I can't" I blurt out, she chuckles heartily and it makes me smile for some reason.

"I'm just kidding. You can do it during lunch if you want. I'm free and I think one of the other counselors are free too" she says. Pretty much asking if I want her to do it or not. "I'd prefer not to spend that much time with someone I don't know" I laugh, "fair point. I'll come find you when I've wrapped up tomorrow then" she states.

"Here we are" she stretches out an arm and gestures to a door which opens. I walk in and it's a decent room, well that's an understatement it's fucking amazing. I notice there's no one in here and no bags or anything else though there are multiple beds. "Will I be alone?" I question, "for now, yes. If you'd like to room with someone I can switch your placement" she proposes.

"No, no. This is perfect. Thank you" I smile, "of course. I'm right down the hall if you need anything. If for some reason you can't find it just whistle like this" she mimics a tune and I nod while chuckling. "I'll leave you to it then" she announces, "umm one last question" I utter and she turns back to look at me.

An eyebrow arched perfectly as she waits for me to speak. "What do you prefer me or us I guess, to call you?" I inquire, "Cordelia is fine" she answers softly. "Alrighty. I'll see you later, Cordelia" I state, "indeed, Alicia" she smiles before exiting the room. Closing the door softly behind her and leaving a sweet smell in her wake.

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