Chapter 1

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"Richard! Rickey! Get in here or else I will have your schedules changed!" Mr. Kinny threatens the most idiotic drummers anyone has ever met.

"Sorry, Mr. Kinny." Richard lies walking into the room and sitting next to Rickey and Dan.

Yup, a typical day in band. Rickey and Richard getting yelled at. Penelope talking when no one not even Mr. Kinny is listening. Lily, Becca, Sam, and Lulu reading the same books. Emily practically loosing her mind. Isabella practicing her tenor sax. Dan and Riggie watching stupid videos. And my best friend Danielle and I talking about the randomest of things.

"So, Cookie, do you think we're gonna play Shake It Off?" Emily asks me.

"No, I absolutely hate it, plus, for a clarinet, there's some pretty high notes." I say.

"Flute parts are higher than Bob Marley ever was." Danielle says as I high five her.

"God, why is band so boring today?" Emily asks.

"Well, let's see today's Monday which means break day which also means homeroom which means even more boredom." I explain.

"Then later Damien, Travis, Cookie, and I are going to Cookie's house."

"Get your stuff set up!" Mr. Kinny finally announces.

I open my locker which has no lock because somebody in the band either stole it or either Danielle or I lost it. I grab my clarinet and my music and sit at the edge of the clarinet section to sit next to Danielle who sits on the edge of the flute section.

"B flat scale in half notes. Ready begin."

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, C, B, A, G, F, E, D, C. I think to myself as I play the scale. It's odd to me how a tenor sax, a trumpet, and a clarinet are all in the key of B flat. Then apparently the rest are all normal because they're all in the key of C. Boring, boring, boring.

"Can we have Brookie and Damien back in this class, please?" Danielle whispers.

Brookie and Damien are in jazz band. Which during their songs during concerts, I almost fall asleep. No offense to them it's just, their songs are really long.

"I was thinking for Uptown Funk, the trombones and I could all wear shiny gold jackets." Mr. Kinny suggests as Danielle and I start laughing. Damien plays trombone and the thought of him in a shiny gold jacket makes us laugh. Along with our friends John, Wendy, Courtney, and Hank. "What's so funny?"

"The thought of Damien in a gold shiny jacket." Danielle says as we start falling to the floor.

"Alright, moving on. Let's play Let It Be."

This song is actually a combonation piece of Let It Be and Hey Jude. Both by the Beatles. Danielle wanted Let It Be. I wanted Hey Jude. We finally found this version and we've been playing it since.

"Are we playing this at the concert?" Penelope asks.

"Nope. It's in minor is why."

"Nooooooo!" I yell.

"Yes, Cookie, this song is minor. It's the end of the year concert. We have to be in major." Danielle says.

I just sit there and pout. Until we finally play the song.

"Hey, Mackenzie, have you seen the videos of me on YouTube after the follies?" Riggie asks me.

"Yes." I lie.

Honestly in band we lie a lot to each other or we even just speak our minds. We even do some of the most idiotic things.

"Measure forty two, let's try it again." Mr. Kinny says as the entire class groans in frustration.

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