Reborn As An Uchiha
-Naruto fanfic-
~What happens when Y/N and her brother get on a plane back home?
How will things happen when she finds herself in a new realm and meets a certain someone...~
Will she slowly forget her past...
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~There's no fear inside- You'll never take us alive~
Clipping her cloak together, she pulled her hoodie over her head and lifted her mask up. Walking into a new territory always puts her on edge.
"Wait sensei stop," Y/N held her hand out in front of him. He eyed her slightly before threatening to push past her hand.
"It's just a doll."
"-And Chucky was just a doll too, do you really wanna take that chance?"
He rolled his eyes and picked up the doll.
This kid... we just watched the movie and she doesn't shut up about it.
"It's harmless."
"Annabelle! There you are... Uh sir, you have my doll..." A little girl dressed in all white and red ribbons ran up to them, Y/N narrowed her eyes.
"Oh well here you go," He handed her the doll and she ran off, Y/N watched as the little girl disappeared behind a tree.
"Y/N, lighten up a bit, we're almost there."
"Hn, sensei I'm getting an off feeling about this place."
The town was in the middle of a desert, looking completely empty with the exception of a few people out but after a while nobody was outside.
A weird puppet passed by on a tricycle out of nowhere.
Shops were closed, and the occasional tumbleweed rolled by.
Suddenly a man stepped out from around a corner causing Orochimaru and Y/N to stop in their place. Underneath her cloak she quickly placed her hand on her katana, not yet pulling it out.
"Calm down, Y/N."
The man pulled out a chainsaw from behind him and began starting it.
"Not yet."
"Fine, go."
Y/N smirked. The man swung his chainsaw as she jumped out of the way, kicking him in the face as he stumbled back.
"One, Two, Freddy's coming for you~."
Y/N's head swung to the left as she saw three girls playing jump rope, all dressed in the same uniform. Turning back around she quickly dodged a raging chainsaw man swinging it her way.
Immediately her surroundings began to change. A boiler room then back to the deserted town, her heart skipped a beat and picked up its pace.
Once again her surroundings changed to the same boiler room and continued to do so quickly.