28- Runaway.

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Chapter 28- Flee.

~Take me home where I belongI got no other place to go~

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~Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go~

"You never listen to me." Obito gave a frustrated glare.

"O-Obito!" Kakashi rushed in his direction.

"Obito?" Itachi gasped. "I knew you were familiar!" He gestured toward the heap of torn clothing. The robe of Akatsuki is one of them.

"You're the one with the mask. You told me you were Madara Uchiha... knew it was bull."

"Itachi, you were always the wise one. Perhaps the most difficult."

"That's definitely Y/N." While he freed Obito from his bonds, Kakashi laughed. "I believed you to be deceased this entire time."

"I lived, bitch."

Kakashi grunted. "What's your problem?"

"You, cunt." Obito snapped. "I saw you. The day you put your hand through her heart, I was there. Fucking cock-sucking vag-" He cursed him.

Kakashi winced and retreated, his hair falling down to match his demeanor. "I-"

"Here we traveled for two days. I have an extra set of clothes." Itachi handed him the bag. Obito nodded, taking the bag and walking to the side to change. Kakashi turned to Itachi.

"She's got to be here somewhere."


Kakashi helped Obito stroll along the halls by wrapping his arm around his shoulders.

"He really did a number on you," Itachi added.

Obito smirked. "He removed my eye and has been beating me every night since he caught me, to the point where I am unable to move. I'm not even sure how long it's been."

"He did?!" Kakashi sighed. "I didn't even notice."

"Like you didn't notice your hand through her heart."

Kakashi frowned. "Please, Obito. It was an accident."

"He knew I could use Kamui to escape, so he's got my eye somewhere."

Kakashi looked away and muttered, "So you're blind."

Itachi halted, looking at Obito's clothes.

"Huh. We can tell." His shirt was on backward.

"Dude, that's because my arms hurt. I can still see using chakra. Well, not see, but you get what I mean by sensing."

Itachi hummed.


"Do you guys hear something?"


"Fuck you, Minato!" Y/N has long since escaped her confines. Now that Minato was gone, she was trying to escape by destroying the door with fire and jutsus. Her Susanoo activated as she pounded the door with large, transparent fists. She suffered serious wounds around her ribs and deep scars from her neck to her ankles. A fractured clavicle and a hip dislocation. The door clicked abruptly. She flinched and pulled back her fists. She winced in pain, shutting one eye.

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