26- The Principal

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Chapter 26- Trapped.

~I tried to make you listen but you won't, it's your way, right?~

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~I tried to make you listen but you won't, it's your way, right?~

"I brought you two more," He grinned, watching her cover her face with her hands. "It was fairly easy but I must show you something sickening about Danzo's body."

Y/N choked back a sob, wiping her tears away with a hiccup.

"Is that Shisui's sharingan?" She caressed the eyelid and yanked it out. She gave it to her snake for safekeeping before it vanished.

"Poor Shisui..."

Minato frowned, "Yes. That wasn't the only one, unfortunately." He pulled out the village elder's heads as well as an arm completely covered in Sharingan eyes.

Homura, Koharu, Danzo and Hiruzen.
Now the eyes of the Uchiha.

Y/N shuddered and covered her mouth with her hand. She crawled away weakly to a nearby bush and let out the contents of her stomach, loud gasps could be heard as she wiped her mouth.

"What the fuck," she mumbled with wide eyes.

Minato was behind her in a flash, holding her hair back. She flinched away from his touch.

"It's okay, I'm here." Those unsettling words left a pit in her stomach.

"Oh man, I don't feel too good," A very pale Y/N stuck her hand to her face.

"I can make you feel better. You seem upset," Minato shook his head. No way would she not be upset he just killed people for her. He smiled softly. After all, he did this for her.

"I'm sorry for bringing this up out of nowhere. I should've read the room, you were already upset and I just made everything a whole lot worse," Minato stood up, he ran his fingers through his hair before placing all body parts back in the scrolls they came from.

Y/N didn't know how to answer. Minato killed these people for her. The Fourth Hokage killed the most important people in Konoha just for her.

"Minato. What's going on here?" she asked, teary-eyed.

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head innocently.

"This is all of it! You're my sensei. You, the Hokage, killed the most important people in Konoha for me? I don't understand. Why?"

"Well they hurt you, Y/N," he said like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"That doesn't mean you have to go kill them all! Like I got Danzo and Lord Third but aren't you going to get arrested?"

He shrugged, "No. I'm no idiot."

He sighed, kneeling beside her and placing a hand on her shoulder. She pulled away from him. With as much patience as he has he still has his limits, why does she keep flinching away from him? His eyes narrowed. He was going to fix that.

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