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A/N: I know I missed out on uploading this part yesterday, but yesterday was a busy day, and I didn't have any time to write this up. Anyways, here you go, I have a feeling this part is going to be an interesting turn of events. To make up for missing yesterday I shall try to squeeze out the next chapter today as well. I already have a vision of what I want it to read like. 

Hailee's POV

It's been a little over two weeks since I had the dinner date with Y/N and despite us being neighbours, I haven't seen him since. I had been pretty wrapped up with the reshoots for Hawkeye, spending long hours on set and often returning home really late. After this hectic period, today was finally going to be a chill day. Except, Ella was landing in a couple of hours and I was planning to pick her up. I only had one issue though, Griffin had taken my trusty Land Rover for work. I did have other cars, but they certainly weren't appropriate to pick a friend up from the airport. I was running out of ideas when I thought about asking Y/N if he had a car I could borrow. I picked up my keys and phone and dashed out the door when I saw Y/N walking up my driveway with a coffee. 


I was walking back home from my morning run. The plan was to run a 10k, but shin splints threw a wrench in those works. On my walk back home, I passed by Starbucks when I realised I hadn't seen Hailee since we had dinner together. Buying her coffee would be the perfect excuse to see her again. Luckily I remembered her go-to order when she had mentioned it at dinner. I picked up the coffee and was walking up her driveway when I saw her rushing out her door. I smiled and said "Morning Hailee! Grabbed coffee for you, just the way you like it." "Hey Y/N, thank you so much, this coffee wasn't necessary." "I know, but like I always tell you, I wanted to do it." I flirted, she smiled back sheepishly, and replied "Thanks again, and I was just on my way to see you." "Well I am here, what do you need?" I asked." "I need to get to the airport to pick up a friend, but my only car that has any boot space is with Griff. Any chance I could borrow one of your cars?" My smile faded, in the back of my mind I was hoping she wanted to spend time with me, but alas. I replied with a slightly disappointed tone "Uhmm... sure, sure. I have a car with enough boot space. When do you need it?" "I was planning to leave in the next hour." "Well, I have an errand to run and I was planning to take that car. It should take me about an hour, hour and fifteen to get it done and be back. I can give it to you then."

Hailee's POV

When I asked Y/N if I could borrow his car, he sounded disappointed, almost sad. I don't blame him either, he probably thought that I wanted to spend some time with him, which I desperately want to do, but instead, I was here asking if I could borrow his car. "I was planning to leave in the next hour," I answered him. "Well, I have an errand to run and I was planning to take that car. It should take me about an hour, hour and fifteen to get it done and be back. I can give it to you then." he replied. "Are you headed the same way as the airport?" I asked, crossing my fingers that he would reply positively. "Actually I am, why don't you tag along with me and we can tick my job off, and then head to the airport? The car is big enough for 3 and luggage." He replied, almost as if he had read my mind. "Exactly what I was thinking. You and Ella will get along so well." I said in as much of a normal tone as I could muster, trying to hide my enthusiasm. "Okay, gimme 15. I will freshen up and meet you in my driveway," he replied walking away. As he walked away, a wave of happiness hit me, it felt like my high school crush had just asked me out. But it was also surrounded by a wave of other emotions, once that left me slightly confused and panicked. It had been a while since I felt this way for anyone, especially someone I knew only for a brief while. 


That wasn't what I had in mind when I walked up her driveway, I planned to drop by for a chat and ask her if she was still down to give me a tour of LA, but I wasn't going to complain. I would get to spend the next couple of hours with her, pick up the paint and the painting equipment for my car and meet Ella Hunt. When she mention the name Ella, Ella Hunt was the first one that popped into my mind. She was Hailee's co-star and onscreen love interest in their hit tv show 'Dickinson'. 

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