First Kiss.

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A/N: god, I hope this is good.

Hailee's POV

A few hours into my flight, I was rattled awake. I opened my eyes, seeing the seatbelts signs being turned on, while the plane shook. That's when I heard over the PA system, "As you have noticed we have turned on the seatbelt signs. We are currently in Canada over Winnipeg experiencing extreme turbulence due to a snowstorm. We have attempted climbing to a higher altitude in an attempt to escape the turbulent air, but this storm is a rough one. Unfortunately, we will be forced to land in Winnipeg James Armstrong Richard International Airport. We will continue this trip to London once the storm settles down." hearing a bunch of groans and whines from people on the plane. In my mind, I just wanted to get to London as soon as possible and this wasn't ideal.

An hour later, I was walking onto the air bridge and into Winnipeg International Airport. I made my way to the crew members who were disembarking along with us. "Hey guys, any idea when we take off?" "No, it could be an hour, it could be the entire night, we won't know for sure. But my best guess is, we won't take off for at least 5-6 hours. The weather report is looking grim. So sit tight and get comfortable here." a blonde air hostess replied, her tone disappointing and discouraging. "Thanks, and any idea which gate we board from?" I asked planning to find where I should find a spot to settle in. "Right here, they won't bother moving the plane with all the snow outside," she replied. "Cool. Thanks again." I said walking to a small coffee shop 20 metres from the gate we just disembarked at.

I had gotten myself a coffee and a small snack, realising I would need the caffeine to stay awake. I couldn't risk sleeping and missing my flight out of here. Once I settled in, I messaged Griffin, letting him know the pickle I was in. He didn't reply, most probably because he was asleep, it was pretty late in the night. I turned my attention to the view outside, watching the snowfall, turning entire runways white. The only runway that was still clean was one where planes were making emergency landings. Every hour you could see people rush in scooping and ploughing just enough snow off so that flights could land safely. "Makes you appreciate every flight you take right?" I heard, looking over my shoulder, seeing the older lady I was seated next to, hobble over and make herself comfortable next to me. "It sure does, doesn't it," I replied while helping her sit down. She introduced herself as Margaret as we started chatting.


The entire flight my eyes were glued to the entertainment system in front of me. I watched the entire flight path over the Atlantic Ocean, spending over 6 hours watching the 2D plane move at a snail's pace on an 8-inch monitor. We were currently over Canada, close to entering US airspace when the plane started to enter a zone of turbulence. The seatbelt signs were on and the cabin crew was walking around asking people to buckle in. In my experience, the best way to judge how bad the turbulence is is to study the crew's reaction. I watched as the crew members got together in the kitchen area. Luckily they didn't seem scared but looked annoyed instead. The only reason they would look annoyed was if we had to make an emergency landing. 10 minutes later, after our plane had climbed to a much higher altitude the PA system turned on. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are currently flying over Canada, but due to the snowstorm, the weather is too treacherous to proceed. So we will be making an emergency stop in Winnipeg James Armstrong Richard International Airport, just till the storm clears out and we can continue our journey."

Forty minutes later, I was walking into Winnipeg International Airport. The airport was full of passengers from other flights that had landed due to the snowstorm. I wormed my way through the crowd of passengers struggling to find seats next to our gate. The crew had informed us that we would board the plane back on from this gate itself, so as not to stray too far from here. I saw a lovely coffee shop ten paces from my gate and a bookstore right next door. Starving, I joined the long queue while looking over the menu and deciding what to eat. Judging from the crowd, it was probably the only eatery nearby. I picked up a BLT and a juice, before making my way to the bookstore next door. I picked up the first interesting book I could find, buying it before I headed to find a seat someplace. 

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