Trouble in LA.

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A/N: HOLY FUCK 1000 READS. Thank you, everyone, and congratulations to me LMFAO. This chapter hasn't been fully proofread, there may be some mistakes towards the end. I will get to correcting it later today. Enjoy it anyways.

Griffin's POV

Hailee's headed to NYC in two days for the premiere of Hawkeye. Usually, she loves travelling to NYC, especially when Ella is in town. Unfortunately, her boyfriend Josh has asked her not to meet Ella. Well, not Ella specifically, Y/N. He doesn't want her to meet Y/N, and to be honest I don't blame him. He has his reasons, that more than validate his response and request. If Hailee meets Ella, who will very likely be accompanied by Y/N, Josh is going to leave her. 

It's five in the evening, and Hailee is an emotional wreck. Josh's ultimatum has put her on the spot. She can't meet her best friend, nor can she meet the one person she truly has feelings for. As her brother I can tell that, I can sense it. Her facade of a relationship with Josh has been a desperate attempt to get over Y/N, and she can lie to everyone, even to herself, but I can tell. Mom and Dad have been worried too. At first, her relationship with Josh was going great, and to anybody online it looked like she was having the time of her life. All the fancy dinners, football game PDAs and late-night outs with Josh had everyone fooled, but her heart still cried out for one person.

Most importantly, she had Josh fooled. All her acting skills, acquired over her incredible career, led to this one performance. I could say without a shadow of a doubt, this was her best performance. Until it all came crumbling down. 

*One Week Ago*

She was having dinner, with Josh, 

Josh's POV

I am sitting opposite the most beautiful girl on this planet, in one of LA's best restaurants. We are here to celebrate the release of a new season of her show, Hawkeye. I had spent the entire afternoon planning every second of tonight out, from our ride here to our table to the post-dinner surprise at her place. Griffin chipped in to help me with the final part, bless him. Things are going great, or so I believe.

"This Salmon ceviche is mouth-watering," I said looking at Hailee. But, her spoon still sat next to her untouched plate of food. Instead, her eyes scanned the screen of her phone, darting from left to right, like she was reading something. She swiped once, her eyes repeating the same darting motion as before. "Hailee," I said, slightly louder. Still, no response. This was starting to annoy me now. "Babe," I said, setting my spoon onto my plate with a loud clinking noise. She looked up, putting her phone down, the screen still on. My eyes zoomed into her phone, trying to get a glimpse of what she was so interested in. 

She noticed my interest in her phone and turned it off quickly. "What were you reading?" I asked politely, just loud enough for her to hear. "Nothing, just an article about my premiere in LA." "The premier that's taking place tomorrow. Nobody ever writes an article about a premiere, before the premiere." I said firmly, my volume raising slightly. "Well, it was just date and time stuff, just random details," she replied, sounding unsure. "Nobody reads that, Hailee. Tell me the truth." I demanded, loud enough to get some attention from surrounding tables. Hailee looked around, realising all the eyes were on her. "Can you not shout?" she said meekly, still dodging my question. "I think you know why I am shouting. I am leaving, I don't want to have dinner with you." I said, getting up, unhappy with her dishonesty. I asked for the check, leaving the waiter confused. Hailee, got off her chair, grabbing my hand, "Come on babe. Let's finish eating." She pleaded, but I paid for our meal and walked out, leaving her alone inside.

As I got out and asked the valet to bring my car, Hailee caught up with me. She stepped in front of me, and said "What's wrong babe? Can we talk?" "No, not until you are honest with me. Not until I see what's on your phone." I said. In all honesty, the last thing I wanted to do was talk now. My mind was clouded, and muddled. Despite the mess my head was, there was one crystal clear thought, Hailee was cheating on me. Hailee pulled out her phone from her purse hesitantly. She unlocked it and was about to hand it over to me when the valet drove out with my car and handed me my keys. "Get in," I commanded, opening the door for Hailee to get in. She didn't say anything back, just got in silently. I got into the driver's seat and drove straight to Hailee's place. 

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