Conflicting Feelings.

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A/N: Like I promised, 2 parts in 1 day. This one was a fun write. Keep commenting and voting, it keeps me motivated. Another weird question I had was, when people write a story, do they plan the whole thing out and write it out, or do they just write one chapter at a time and go wherever the story goes?

Ella's POV

Hold up, did he just say, neighbour? He has to be the same neighbour Hailee was talking about, the one she went on a date with. As Y/N exited the house, I turned to Hailee. Her eyes drilled into my soul, and she looked like she was coming for my jugular. "I am so sorry. I had no idea, he was the guy you went on a date with. I am not going to message him. It's not fair to you." I said, trying to get ahead of the storm. Instead, she said calmly "It's cool, the dinner wasn't exactly a date. We were just getting to know each other. Don't leave him hanging because of me, you guys get along so well, it was like a jigsaw." Despite her acting chops, it was difficult for her to hide her true emotions, her non-verbals were betraying her verbal reply, and I was unsure of what to do. She continued and said "In fact message him right now. In front of me, knowing you, you will ghost him unless I do something." She walked towards me, pulling my phone out of my hand, unlocking and opening his contact, before messaging him something. 


Hey Y/N, Ella here...

are you free tomorrow evening? I know a nice theatre nearby 

playing 'Saturday Night Fever' if you are down.

oh, I love that movie, I am totally down to watch it 

with just you, if Hailee's okay with it.

yeah, she is totally fine, and the movie tickets are on me.

She put the phone down when I heard the notification noise go off, so I picked it up to see what damage Hailee had done. I saw his message and just decided to reply like it was me the entire time.


then the dinner after is on me.

cool. see you tomorrow then, after I see you today.

hehe, see you tomorrow and today.

I put the phone down chuckling, before turning to Hailee, but I couldn't find her anywhere. When I heard her "Ella come this way, this room is yours. Make yourself comfortable." As she guided me into a lovely room next to the living room. Stepping into the room I asked with a glum tone "I just want to ask you again, about Y/N and make sure you are totally okay with it. I wouldn't want him to cause a rift between us." "Ella, I did message him for you, right? I am okay with you and Y/N going out. Just enjoy it. Also, I will see you in 45, for a small LA tour." 

Hailee's POV

"Ella, I did message him for you, right? I am okay with you and Y/N going out. Just enjoy it. Also, I will see you in 45, for my special LA tour." I said turning away and scampering into my bedroom. Was I jealous about how quickly Ella and Y/N were moving, most definitely. Was I okay with them dating, or whatever was happening with them, most definitely not. But at the end of the day, I couldn't do anything. I waited too long to make a move and in hindsight, I don't think Y/N even liked me. This would just have to be one of those unfortunate and ill-timed events I would have to get over. I spent the next 45, cleaning up, and getting ready for the evening out. 


As soon as I stepped out, I realised I didn't have my keys on me. I turned back and dashed to open the door when I heard Ella say, "I am so sorry. I had no idea, he was the guy you went on a date with. I am not going to message him now. It's not fair to you." through the door. My mind went blank, this entire time I was busy crushing on Hailee, I overlooked the fact that she thought the dinner we had last week was a date. I heard Hailee mumble something back, but I was too shaken to understand what she said. I just turned around and walked back home, realising I probably blew my chance with Hailee Steinfeld by flirting with her ex-co-star and best friend Ella Hunt. This is when my phone dinged,

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