Late Love Letter.

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Hailee's POV

It's been two months since Y/N left. A couple of weeks ago, I broke up with Josh. I couldn't love Josh the way he loved me, no matter how hard he tried. I told him "I can't love you, not until I am over Y/N. You have been nothing but a gentleman, but I can't do this anymore. I wish the circumstances were different, I wish I didn't have to end things like this, but I can't be with you. Not with my heart still yearning for Y/N." Josh was more than understanding, despite how much I hurt him. His last words to me were, "I hope you find your way to Y/N. I wish you get the happy ending you deserve Hailee. Best of Luck." I haven't spoken to him since. My life since the break-up has been drowned with work, which I am glad for. Because every second I spent outside of work, I only think about Y/N.

Last weekend, I met Florence again. She had moved to LA for the filming of the latest Avengers movie. "Hailee, I am taking the rest of the crew for drinks, would you want to join?" she asked "Nope, not in the mood," I replied, my tone sullen. "Which ugly bastard has hurt you now? Is it Josh?" she asked angrily, almost reading my mind. I chuckled at her overprotectiveness, shaking my head and saying "We broke up two weeks ago, I didn't love him, not like I loved Y/N... love Y/N." "And he is in London." "Yes. Wait how do you know?" I said, surprised. "I met him in London, at the Marvel office, a month ago. He recognized me and we struck up a conversation." "How was he?" I asked, inquisitively. "He looked good, he asked me about you. How you were? What you were doing?" "He did? He talks to Griffin regularly but never about me. I called him once I left Josh, and he didn't pick up. I haven't talked to him in months." I said, trying not to tear up. "I even called Ella to tell her about my break-up, we spoke for hours but I didn't hear a single word from him. Why ask you? Why not ask me directly, or Griffin?" I said, with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Maybe, he doesn't want you to know that he still cares," she replied, unsure of her answer. 

Shortly after, she successfully dragged me out for drinks, and towards the end of the night, I was blind drunk. I didn't remember any details of that night, but Florence told me it included a lot of missed calls, voicemails and tears. I haven't tasted alcohol since, realising it just made everything worse. Instead of drowning the problems, it just turned the dial up to eleven. Luckily, my family had come in the clutch, they invited me over to their place after I left work, making sure I was distracted. It felt like a step in the right direction, the time I spent with them kept my mind off Y/N. That was until tonight.

Tonight we were having dinner at Mom and Dad's place. Dad and Griffin were in the backyard preparing the grill and I was helping Mom in the kitchen. I was preparing a salad in the kitchen when Dad yelled "Hailee, can you go get some lighter fluid from the supermarket?" "I already did, but it's in my car." Griffin interjected, "I will go get it then." I said, when Griffin stepped in, his hands still dirty from handling the grill. "Nope, I will do it." He said, and I knew why. He had driven here in Y/N's Chevy and he didn't want me going anywhere near it. "I am not that fragile, plus your hands are dirty. You don't want to spoil Y/N's car now, do you?" I replied sassily, offended by the fact that Griffin thought I was emotionally unstable. "It's in the glove compartment." He said, tossing me the keys. I caught them, and stepped outside, walking towards the stunning Forrest green Camaro. 

I got on the passenger's side, unlocking the door. I swung the door open, bent down and used the keys to unlock the glove compartment. In classic Griffin style, the entire compartment was full of documents, bills and letters. I saw the bottle of lighter fluid, a white bottle with a bright red cap. I pulled it out, also pulling out a bunch of stuff with it. I cursed out, at the mess I created. I started collecting all the paper strewn over the seat and floor when 1 tiny envelope caught my eye. It was face down. It was too well-made and weirdly sized to be a random post. It looked more like an envelope you use to give birthday cards. I picked it up, feeling the grain of the paper, when I turned it around to face up. The entire face of the envelope was blank, except the top right, where written in beautiful cursive was 'To Hailee'. The handwriting looked familiar, but I was unable to place it. The writing made me feel safe and cared for, it gave me a sense of security. When all these feelings rushed into my mind, the gears in there started moving. In a flash, I had stuffed the paper back in, locked the car door and darted back into the house. I left the lighter fluid on the kitchen top and rushed to find my purse. Everyone else in the house just stared at me, stunned. "What's wrong Haiz?" I heard Dad say, worry in his tone. "THIS LETTER," I said as I put it up. Everyone looked at it, still dazed. "It's from Y/N, it was in your car Griff, in his car," I said, Griffin still looking shocked. I made my way to the sofa, seeing my purse resting on it. I opened my purse, rummaging through its belongings, till I pulled out a carefully folded Post-it note. I opened it, and it read, Ella and I have gone out to grab breakfast and will be back by 11. If you have a headache, I left some pills :) -Y/N. I compared the handwriting on the note and the letter, confirming my suspicion. The letter was from Y/N, for me. Griffin made his way over, "That was in my car?" he asked. "Yes, in the glove compartment." I yelped, opening the flap and pulling out the letter. 


From the moment you walked into my garage, grumpy and impudent, wrapped in sweats, with only half your makeup taken off, you had my heart. I didn't realise to the depths I had fallen for you, and no matter how much I try to claw myself out, I am stuck falling for you.

From the moment you walked into my house, seeing clumsy me cut my hand before you proceeded to wrap my wound like my very own healer, you had my heart. That morning, you brought me that coffee that I still have in my fridge. I never drank coffee, but I couldn't get myself to throw it out. Weird right?

Me inviting you over for dinner changed my life. That one meal made me truly believe in having another half to love for, care for and sacrifice for, even though I didn't realise it then. The only regret I have in my life is that I didn't kiss you when you sat on my lap smearing chocolate on my face. If given 3 wishes, I would use all 3 to go back and change that one moment.

And I do apologise for the last few weeks, when I saw you kiss Josh in the driveway, it broke my heart. I started to create this bubble around me, to keep my distance from you. It was my defensive mechanism, I was just trying to protect myself, trying to get over you. Instead, it has ruined the one friendship that matters the most to me in this world. I hope you can forgive me for it.

In the short month and a half we have known each other, I have truly fallen for you, and do I beg to god you feel the same way.

- Love Y/N

Every line I read, tears rolled down my cheek. He felt the same way, but we were both too scared to make a move. FUCK, how was I such a big idiot, how was I so blind to his emotions, how did I not see the signs. I swore at myself, my emotions all over the place. I didn't know what I felt right now, but to me, this letter felt gave me hope. It felt like fate had made its move, guiding me back to Y/N. When Mom asked me to trust fate, here it was, telling me to go after him. No more hiding my feelings, no more running away, no more dating other people, I was going to chase him. I handed the letter over to Griffin, who read it out loud. My mom came to comfort me, hugging me Dad just stood by, stunned at the revelation. "So what now Hailee?" Mom asked, pulling away from the hug. "I am going to London," I said firmly. Never had I been so determined to do something, and nothing was going to stop me now, I was ready to chase Y/N around the planet. I was going to London, come hell or high water. "Go get him." I heard Dad say, as I pulled my phone out, booking the earliest flights to London, finding one in three hours. I didn't need any suitcases, I didn't need any of my clothes, I just needed to be in London. 

I turned to Griff who was smiling, "This was his plan the entire time." he said, chuckling. I stopped and asked him, "His plan?" "He was going to give you this letter, before he left for NYC. The day he met me for lunch. He told me he liked you." I was shocked, how could Griffin hide this from me. I jumped him, angry, slapping his chest, shouting "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? WHY? YOU KNEW HOW MUCH I WAS HURTING? AND YOU STILL HID IT FROM ME?" He caught both my hands, while Dad, pulled me off him. He stood up and said, "I couldn't tell you Haiz. When he dropped by your place to drop off the letter, Josh was there. He couldn't do it then, he thought you moved. And when he moved to London, I couldn't tell you then, he had moved on with Ella. He is my friend as well." He paused, "But what about Ella?" 

In all my excitement I had forgotten about her. She was my best friend, I couldn't just jump in now and ruin her relationship. That's when my phone pinged, it was from her. 


Y/N and I, we... 

A/N: ...are getting engaged? 

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