He Confesses?

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A/N: Okay I had to edit some stuff in the earlier chapters to fix the timeline of the story. Looking back I feel like the story is crammed into a super short timeline. But alas, I can't change it now. We just keep moving ahead I guess. Enjoy this chapter. 

Ella's POV

It's been 28 days since I landed in LA. I was staying at Hailee's place, and technically I still am, but I have spent almost all my time at Y/N's place. Our relationship has been progressing quickly, quicker than any of my past relationships and I fear that in this rush, we might miss out on the smaller more beautiful moments of our relationship, but so far it hasn't felt this way. I am leaving for NYC in 2 days and planning to stay there at my place for a month before I head back to London for my next project. Today morning, over breakfast I am planning to ask Y/N to come to NYC with me. I understand he has been here in LA for a short while, but he doesn't have much of a life here. His only friends here are Griffin and Hailee, and apart from that, all his passions and hobbies could be pursued in NYC. My only fear is that I might be rushing Y/N into our relationship, but I have no choice, I have to go back to NYC, and I would hate to go without him. 


"Good morning Ella, what's with the buffet of a breakfast?" I asked looking at the spread of breakfast foods on my dining table. "Good morning, nothing. Just wanted to do something good for you," she replied, but the tone of her voice indicated she had an ulterior motive. Our relationship has been like a sprint, and usually, I would prefer my relationship to be more like a marathon. But when you sprint the whole marathon, why complain? Ella has been incredible, both as a partner and as a friend, but she is leaving in 2 days. I hate that she is leaving, as at this point she is the only one holding me together. I like her, I do, despite my feelings for Hailee. I feel like, if not Hailee, there is no better person out there better than Ella. "Okay, you have made my morning, but knowing you Ella, I sense something is brewing." "Just tea Y/N," she replied, again answering my questions unsatisfactorily. "Ella go ahead, just ask me whatever, tell me whatever. You don't have to be afraid to tell me anything." I said, walking over and wrapping my hands around her waist as I pulled her closer. I bent my head down, our noses touching as I gave her an Eskimo kiss. "Well, you know I am leaving for NYC the day after. I wanted umm, you know, you to join me. You could stay for however long you wanted, it doesn't have to be the entire month I am there, it could be a week or a few days. All I want is that you to accompany me." she rambled, her voice low, words flowing out of her mouth non-stop. It took me a second to absorb and understand what she asked before I replied "I need some time to think about this. It's a massive step in our relationship and I don't want to rush the decision. I don't mean that I don't want to spend time with you, I just don't know whether I want to leave LA right now." I rambled back, rapping my words. "I understand darling. Take your time, you have 2 days," she said, pulling away and setting the plate of pancakes on the dining table. 

We sat down and had breakfast, talking about stuff that didn't matter, because, in the back of my mind, I was contemplating going to NYC with Ella. The only reason I didn't want to go to NYC, was that if I left, any chance I would have with Hailee would be gone. To me, it felt like I was letting go of that last strand of hope, and it was going to be difficult to let it loose. After breakfast, Ella headed out to meet some friends, and I decided to spend my time thinking about my future. The only issue was that I needed to talk to someone about this and I didn't have friends here in LA, my only option was Griffin. Not exactly the ideal candidate. Regardless, I messaged Griffin to meet me for lunch at our burger spot. 

Griffin's POV

Y/N had just messaged me to meet him for lunch, he wanted to talk about something. Over the month and a half that I have known him we have gotten extremely close. He has been trustworthy, compassionate and has given me incredible advice. Plus, he is always so much fun. Unfortunately, his cryptic message didn't inspire confidence, and I drove to The Burger Joint apprehensive about our meeting. He was sitting by the door, in our go-to spot, because it's the perfect combination of sun and air conditioning in the entire joint. 

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