Chapter 2

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Omaya's POV
We were all seated in noor's room gisting "the driver is here"Hadiza said

"Yauwa Hadiza Dan Allah you will drop me off" sadee said

"me too"Faiza said

"Okay, noor please tell Ammiey we're leaving"I said

"you guys are leaving already?" Noor whined

"is getting late  but don't worry we will do a sleepover next time"kulthum said

"yeahhh when should that be"sadee said

"let talk about it in the group chat let's go please"kulthum said

we went to Ammiey room noor knocked and we entered

"salama alaikum" we all said in unison

"walaikum Salam"she answered

"Ammiey they are leaving" noor said in a low tone

" you guys are leaving already"she said and we all smiled

"toh greet your parents for me kunji" she said.

"toh zasuji"hadiza and kulthum said.

we got up and hugged each other then we left.

I dropped kulthum, zarah and ayush then got home after some minutes I reached home I went inside and saw everyone at the parlor gisting I greeted them and went to my room.

I took a shower and wore something simple I took my phone and went to the parlor to join them.

"when are you getting married Omaya" Ommah asked suddenly

"very soon Allah ommah but let ya nif and ya hakim get married first"I said more like whined

"but su maza ne keh mace ce" abba said

"ommah when is ya hakim getting married" Maha with the innocent voice asked

"maha very soon they will get married and leave the house for us koh" I whispered

"I heard it" ya nif said and we laughed

"Anyways,um..Omaya you're 20 already,you should get married before next year" Abbah said

"am in level 4 fah abbah,at least let me graduate first,ommah talk to him please "I whined

"You can get married after you graduate or before you graduate but I want you to get married this year"Abbah said

"THIS YEAR!!! I exclaimed but Abbah am not ready I don't even have a boyfriend,I'm focusing on my studies" I said

"Su studies manya" ya nif teased

"Abbah am in level 4 already,abbah just let me graduate"I said

"Omaya you can continue in your husbands house" ommah said

"Okay I will think about it omaya"abbah said

"okay Abbah"I said

I went to room and went to the toilet and performed ablution and prayed Maghrib cuz it was time for maghrib, Abbah and the boys went to the mosque.I finished praying and I did my Dua,I took my phone and checked the group chats.I folded my hijab and the prayer mat then I went downstairs.
Ommah was on a phone call and Maha was watching tv I joined them and sat on the couch I started scrolling through my phone then I realized that Ayasha was not there, could she be in her room.

"Maha where is ayasha" answer

"Maha are you deaf I said where is ayasha"I yelled

"oh sorry I didn't hear you,she went to her friend's house for sleepover" she said

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