Chapter 13

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Omaya's POV:

"We want you to marry Othman"




I can't believe what I am hearing right now that I totally forgot that my father was talking to me I zoned out

"If you don't like the idea just speak out we won't force you we just thought it would be a good idea because of how close you too are and the respect you both have for each other" he added and I still kept quiet not knowing what to say

"Abba being close with Othman doesn't mean I can marry him there's a difference between friendship love and love I only consider him as my best friend but I don't think this is a good idea besides I don't think Othman will like this idea" I said which made him look at Ommah who was seated opposite me

"We thought about this with his parents and they agreed and his mother will also talk to Othman, Omaya we won't force you but just think about it" Ommah said

"I can't think about this right now Ommah, this is too much for me I can't" I said ignoring the look abba was giving me

I turned to abbah and said " Abbah I'm sorry I disappointed you but i..... don't worry omaya go to your room and freshen up but think about it Omaya" he cut me off and i did as he said and stood up to go upstairs not before hugging him and thanking him for releasing me to go to my room

I went to my room and i entered the toilet to perform ablution after that I prayed asr and I prayed to Allah to help me choose what the best for me,... after that I went straight to my bed not before folding my hijab and the prayer mat....i zoned out thinking about what my dad said . I didn't know what to do so i thought of calling Noor and tell her what going on.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number and after 4 rings she pick

"Hey maya what's up, how was the outing with Othman" upon hearing his his name my heart was beating "oh Allah" I said with ny inner voice

"It was fine Alhamdulilah how is Ammiey" I said calmly

" She is fine Alhamdulilah l, why is your voice down is everything okay" she asked and i didn't know how or where to start from

"Noor I need your help" I said

"Oh maya what is it that is bothering you" she said and I told her everything that happened she she kept quiet for some seconds

"Hello! Are you there" I said

" what have you decide" she asked

" I don't know what to decide that why I called you ,noor please tell me what you think about this" I said

" I think you should just agree to it and besides Othman will agree because you know how important you are to him so just tell them yes but if Othman is good with it and Insha Allah Allah nothing will go wrong Omaya just pray, so now go to your dad and tell him that you've agreed" she explained

" This will be hard for me Noor, I don't know if I'm ready for marriage and besides with Othman hm" I hummed

"Insha Allah everything will be fine" she said and we continued talking and after some minutes of talking and talking I finally agreed

" that my girl and Insha Allah komai zai yi dai dai (everything will be fine)" she said and with that we ended the call not before saying bye.

I checked the time and it was time for Maghrib already and I performed ablution then prayed. I was reading my Qur'an when Ayasha came into my room without knocking or saying Salam. I finished reading my Qur'an and closed it then turned to her

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