Chapter 18

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Malah's house

After some few minutes of driving they finally arrived at the house. She will be staying there for some days because her own house is not ready yet.

Omaya's POV:

I was in the same car with Noor, Hadiza, Faiza and Khadijah my cousin with aunty Husna my favorite aunt Abbas 's immediate sister then the driver.

We came down aunty Husna was by my right and Noor was by my left and the rest of my friends were behind my face was covered with the laffaya so I couldn't see anything, we reached the doorstep and aunt Husna said I should say Bismillah I did and entered with my right leg we went in and went straight to Baba's private parlor only family members we met Walida, Baba and Othman and one of his uncle I greeted all of them and sat close to Walida's feet and Baba started the nasiha.

"First of all Omaya welcome to the family. I'm so happy that you and Othman are now married. I want you both to adhere to the Sunna of our beloved Prophet and exercise patience. Your jannah is now under his feet, be a good wife to him and don't let anything go between you two. Respect him and you too Othman respect her as a wife, be a good and caring husband to her. It's your responsibility to love, care and protect her. Do not disobey him defy him except if he's asking you to do something that will result to you disobeying your lord. Omaya you are not our daughter in-law but our daughter. I'm glad the two of you obeyed us and did what we want and Insha Allah nothing will come between you two. She's now an amana to you to take care of and fulfill all her rights and responsibilities as her husband. May Allah (SWT) bless you both and bless your marriage as well. May Allah(SWT) bless you with offsprings that will be the coolness of your eyes. Allah yayi muku albarka. Ameen."

By the time when they were done I was a crying mess after then Walida and aunty Husna took me to the bq where the guys stays. It was like an apartment Omar and Othman were the only ones there but now that Omar is married it was Othman's own and now Othman is married so the place will be empty. I entered with the girls, aunty Husna and Walida. The girls stayed in the parlor while the aunty Husna and Walida took me to his room.

"Toh Na'ima here is Omaya please take care of her like yours even though I know you always do but I'm just saying she's precious to us and we all love her, we don't want anything to happen to her. We will leave her in the care of your family and I know you won't disappoint  Insha Allah" aunty Husna said.

"In sha Allah we are one now and Omaya is a daughter to me and in sha Allah she will never feel like an outcast she is family and she has always been family since birth so you have nothing to worry about" Walida said.

" Toh Masha Allah, Omaya I know you are tired of hearing this word but I I'll repeat it, be patient have sabr and everything will be ok fi amanillah baby om" that's what she calls me "love you"she said and kissed my forehead and hugged me then she left now it was only Walida and I in the room. She lifted the laffaya covering my face.

"Ma sha Allah I've got a beautiful in-law indeed" she said and I blushed.

"All I have to say is that you know Othman had been through a lot since childhood, you know everything that has happened to him and even now he is heartbroken and he has built walls around him I want you to break those walls I want my baby please Omaya. I know you can do it and you are the perfect person to do it so please Omaya I'm depending on you" she said.

"In sha Allah I'll try my possible best to do what I can and in sha Allah I won't disappoint you Walida" I said smiling and she pecked my forehead.

"If you need anything you know your way around the house you can always come to me" she said and I nodded and smiled then she left immediately she left all my friends came in and I saw deedee Othman's sister.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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