Chapter 11

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Omaya's pov:
Two weeks to Othman's wedding yeah you heard right I tried convincing him but he was so stubborn we even fought we are still fighting because of it I'm currently at Othman's house with Noor and iman just gisting

"Omaya remember when we came for the Saturday class we were doing TikTok fa and we were having class then Mr Benedict started running after us Noor" said while laughing we all started laughing

"Wallahi and that physics teacher sef" I said

"Allah ba" Noor said

"Then we went to that stupid school" Noor said

"Wallahi the only good thing in that school was sadiq" I said

"Who is sadiq" iman asked

"One guy like that we were crushing on" I said

"One fine guy omo he's too fine" Noor said

"Yes fa we use to talk now that he has grown up did you see him mashaAllah we are Soo close like really close fah" I said

"Since when he graduated I didn't talk to him" Noor said

"We use to talk oo sha" I said

We heard the opening of the door we turned to see it was Othman

"What are my favorite girls doing" he said. I just ignored him and picked my phone sadiq sent me a message if we could meet I told him yes so tomorrow we will meet inshaAllah just then my phone was snatched from my hand

"Baby girl still angry" he said but I didn't answer him

Ok so let me tell you what he said he said that I'm crossing my limit and that is an issue of family members strangers aren't allowed to put their mouth like I had tears in my eyes and I think he realized what he said and he quickly apologized but I ran away

"Give me my phone" I said

"Nop until you forgive me" he said

"Othman I'm serious give me I'm not joking stop it" I said

"Come with me" he said

"I'm not going anywhere" I said

He dragged my hand out of the room

"Fav couple" iman said

"Whatt??" I said

"I'm sorry" he said

"Why are you apologizing to a stranger" I said

"Wallah you are not a stranger it was a slip of tongue" he said

"Give me my phone" I said

"Not until I hear I forgive you" he said

"Eat the phone" I said leaving

"Pls wait" he said pulling my hand

"Wallah it was a mistake it won't happen again you know you are family"he said

"If someone has said it, it wouldn't have hurt me this much but you of all people you stood so low this time" I said

"I'm sorry I don't know what was going through my head when I said that but I promise I won't ever say something like that" he said

"Are you sure" I said

"Yes" he said with pleading eyes

"Toh shikenan but wallah say it next time and I will never talk to you" I said

"There won't be next time don't worry" he said

"Promise?" I said

"Promise" he said

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