Chapter 10

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Recap:calm down Mrs Taheer your daughter is fine it's just stress I told her not to stress herself cause she's

Omaya's pov:
  "She's pregnant" the doctor said

"Excuse me" he said and left, everyone look shocked especially her mom

"No it can't be true no it can't" Tasneem mom shouted and ran in to the room where Tasneem is ,the room was silent until we heard someone fell we turned to see it was Othman

"Othman! Othman! Othman!" I shouted and ran to him and I saw Walida too coming

"Someone call the doctor" I shouted hoping he didn't leave yet I saw Ayasha running to call him we managed to pull him to the couch then I doctor came in

He checked him and told us not to worry it was stress and shock that we should avoid those things he said we thanked and he left again

Ommah and ammi said that they were going

"So soon" wailda said

"Yea,but we will visit another inshaAllah" ammi said

"Yeah inshaAllah ommah" also said

"Toh but I want you to do a favor for me" Walida said

"Between us ai there's no favour" ommah said

"Ok Toh I want Omaya and Noor to stay till Othman recover cause I know he will need them" Walida said

"Toh shikenan just for one week" ammi

"Yes one week is okay" Walida said

"Toh the driver will bring their clothes inshaAllah" ommah said

"MashaAllah" Walida said

ommah and ammi left and we came back to parlour after a few minutes we heard shouting from the room

We quickly ran to the room and saw mami shouting at Tasneem while her head was hung low

"Do you think any man will marry you" mami said

"You've gone and open leg for men now Othman  has fainted because of you all because of you" mami said

"Oh, my God, Othman.. oth..othman has fainted" Tasneem started crying

"Stop that your crocodile tears cause it won't work on me now and get up let's go home"  mami said

"No, I'm not going anywhere. I have to see my Othman first" Tasneem said

"If you don't get up right now, I'll call your dad and you know what he would do if he knows what you did so get up right now before I descend on you" mami said

Tasneem hurriedly stood up cause she knows what her Dad can do she packed her things, but Walida just stopped them

"Will you move from my front, you hypocrite woman I know you are happy with what happened so just get out my daughter is not marrying your son again I know that all you wanted since" mami said

"Excuse me, just because you're my auntie you won't talk to my mom anyhow, so know how to talk to my mom or else.."" iman started but walida cut her off

"Stop it" Walida said in a warning tone

"No, let her continue since you didn't give her correct manners ai she will talk to me like that" mami said

"you're talking about manners have you seen your daughter? Did you give her correct manners hm? so don't come and question somebody's daughter you should question your daughter first and one heart about opening legs for men is even too late" I said

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