Chapter 14

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Omaya's POV:

Today My paternal grandmother is coming from Kano. And I'm not happy at the same time because she doesn't like me and she also doesn't like Ommah because she is not Nigerian.....Yes she doesn't she always tell me to bring husband if not she will marry me off to one of my cousins but she doesn't do that to Ayasha or any of my siblings I wonder why and all she says is that oh she care for me that why she is telling me to Go and marry blah blah blah... I don't like saying this but I don't like her at all!!

"Hajiya ta iso" ya nif shouted from downstairs

"here comes the devil!" I said to my self  as I stood up to go downstairs...

"Sannu da zuwa Hajiya" Abba greeted and hugged his mother

"Oh Usman my son nayi kewar ka" she said as she hugged him back after they were done Ommah went to hug her but she stopped her and fake smiled then went inside

"Ommah kiyi hakuri I don't know why this old woman is back" I said to her as I felt sorry for the embarrassment

"It's okay maya" she said and we followed them inside

"Hajiya go and freshen up then we will have lunch" Abba said and she smiled and went upstairs while ya nif and ya hakim helped with her luggages

After some minutes she came downstairs and everyone was at the dining table already she smiled and sat close to Abba and we started eating

"Omaya I told you to bring husband and get married you refused so since you don't have any man I have found one for you" she said and everyone looked at her in shock

" why are you all shocked, I told you I will marry her off to one of her cousins if she won't bring someone that she likes" she said my tears threatening to fall

"Hajiya you don't ha... yi mun shuru ba da Keh nake yi bah" Ommah started and hajiya cut her off

" I want her to marry habib" she said and my eyes widened,

No way I thought

"Haba hajiya, Habib kumma" Abba said

"Yes Habib is there any problem with him" she said

"He is a drunkard fah Hajiya" I finally spoke

"Hajiya you know this will be his sixth marriage and besides I've found one for her and she is okay with it, that was the reason why I called you to inform you but you didn't allow me to talk" Abba said

"And who is the guy" she asked

"Othman , Alhaji Malah's son" he said

"But I want Ayasha to marry Othman not Omaya" she said and I turned to look at Ayasha who was already looking at me

"Haba Hajiya, you know Omaya is the one who Othman is supposed to marry not Ayasha" ya hakim said

" yes Kaka and I don't even like Othman" Ayasha said looking at me

"Shut up!! She shouted making everyone to freak out

"I'm talking and you are talking are you both insane!" She said hitting the table

"Sorry" Ayasha said looking down

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