Chapter 7

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                  Omaya's pov:
                             One year later
Omg I can't believe I'm done with university I came out with first class I'm so excited all of my family came including ya teema, her husband and my cute niece right now we are back in Nigeria we came back one week ago and right now I'm going to the Malal's I horned at the gate and the gateman opened the gate I drove in and parked my car I came out of my car and knocked on the door their housemaid opened and I went and I saw Othman and Aayan (our childhood best friend we were very close with him Othman, and Noor )

"Aayan" I shouted and ran to hug him but he put his hand to stop me

"Please who are you" he said

"I'm sorry wallah I lost your contact" I said he didn't say anything

"Haba my baby, my sweetheart, my boo bear please forgive this your love" I said with a pout knowing it will crack him up

"I will only forgive you if you promise me Ice Cream" he said one thing about Aayan if you give him ice cream then he will forgive you

"Definitely, ok now will you give a hug" I said opening my hands

"Sure"he stood up and hugged me

"Give me your number" I asked and he gave me then I asked if Walida is upstairs

"Yea she is" he said you must be wondering why I didn't talk to Othman well he promised to come to my graduation and he didn't and he didn't even come me to congratulate me I could feel his hot gaze on me since I came in till now but I ignored it I went up to Walida's room I knocked and entered when I heard come in

"As-salamu alaikum" I salamed

"Wa alaikum salam my daughter" she replied I went inside the room she was sitting on her couch so I went to sit beside her leg when she pulled me into a hug she released me from the hug and said I should sit on the couch with her

"How's everybody at home" she asked

"They are all fine they are greeting you" I said

"Alhmadulillah that's good I'm greeting them too" she said

"So now that you are done with university we will start talking about your wedding koh" she said with a smiling

"Walida"I said as I close my face blushing

"Yes now you and iman should and get married please "she said

"InshAllah Walida soon" I said

"You see Othman is getting married so you should try and bring a suitor" she said

"Othman is getting married" I asked shocked

"Yes he didn't tell you he is getting married in two months" she said

"No" I said with a low voice she realized my mood changed so she changed to another topic but it still hurt we talked for sometime before I told her I'm going to Iman's room

"Hey gurll" I shouted as I entered her room

"Maya" she shouted I will call you back she said to the person she was on a phone call with

Bye she said then she cut the call with a smile

"Who is he" I said

"Calm down first now"she said

"I am now tell me who is it" I said

"A guy I met at the mall" she said

"So do you love him" I asked her

"I don't know but we are just friends now" she said

"Ohk be careful you hear" I advised

"InshAllah" she said just then we heard a knock on the door

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