Chapter 8

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Omaya's pov:
                    Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!
        I knew going out in the rain was a bad idea I have sore throat and a bad fever and ommah with Ayasha and auta and abba went out so basically the only one in the house I can't even eat cause of my sore throat and I have ulcer I better eat cause my chest has started paining me I got up to call the maid to bring something for me through the landline when I started feeling dizzy then I heard someone calling my name that the last thing I heard because everything went blank.

Third person pov:
        Omaya I shouted I hurried up to her side and tried to wake her up but she didn't so I carried her to the hospital I carried Omaya and told her I wanted to call ya Othman but he is working right now so I left him I sat on the chair outside her room because the doctor was in I buried my face inside my hand crying when she heard someone calling her name iman she turned around to see ommah

"Ommah" she said running to hug her she hugged her back

"Iman what happened" ommah asked

"I just came to your house I entered the room seeing her standing up she was holding her stomach and the next thing I knew is she just fainted she" said sobbing

"Don't cry my daughter she will be alright inshaAllah" she said assuring me more like assuring us that's when I saw Ayasha and auta they both were crying but Ayasha has stopped it's now auta that is crying I went to her

"My baby stop crying" I said bending down to her level

"But ya maya is not waking up" she said

"She will inshaAllah do you want her to see you crying when she wakes up" I said and then she shook her head indicating no

"Then stop crying you hear" I said and she nodded and hugged me just then the doctor came out

"What happened" ommah quickly went to the doctor and we followed

"Doctor is she alright" ommah asked worriedly

"She has an ulcer attack and she has fever but she is better now just make sure she eats and take her medication" he said

"InshAllah" ommah said

"Can we go in now" she asked

"Yes you can but you have to be quiet cause she is sleeping" he said

"Ok" ommah replied

"Ommah I'm going to tell Walida" I said and she nodded I called Walida and told her and she said she is coming I entered the room

        Omaya's pov
I slowly opened my eyes the famous smell of hospital hit my nostrils what am I doing in a hospital I asked myself just then I remembered what happened I saw ommah Ayasha and auta in the room

"Ommah" I called

"Omaya you are awake" she hurriedly came to my side

"Yes" I said

"Omaya how many times will I tell you to be eating ne Wai Omaya what do you want me to do before you start eating" she scolded me with watery eyes

"Ommah I'm sorry I will be eating inshsAllah" I said getting up to hug her

"No lay back down" she said wiping her tears

"Ya maya" two voices said together I turned to see Ayasha and auta.Auta was crying

"My baby why are you crying" I asked

"Because you are sick" she said sobbing

"See I'm alright now I'm not sick baby stop crying" I said and she nodded her head sniffling I turn to see Ayasha

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