So far

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Chapter four

After I finished eating I stayed in my bed. There was a bathroom attached to the room, but it only had a toilet. I didn't want to go in for too long, afraid someone would sneak into my room while I was gone. My door was unlocked, but i wasn't sure if it was safe to leave and I sure as hell wasn't going to find out the hard way.

I stared at the door, thoughts swirling through my mind. I had nearly forgotten about all the other packs. I should've figured would stumble across one during my escape. I wondered what the Alpha was like. I didn't want to meet him, I had my fare share of Alphas, and none of them where kind.

Was Ryder the Alpha? No, he was too young, probably only 17, same age as me. Would the Alpha try and talk to me? Would the Alpha take me prisoner? Would I die?

'The Alphas Wolf contacted me. He wanted to tell us that he means us no harm and we can stay as long as we need as long as we awnser some questions. specifically about how we got onto their land. Apparently their well guarded.' Maggie informed me, not sounding too impressed.

"I dunno Mags, I was just walking..." I mumbled.

'don't worry about it. He is a very kind person, his wolf has good intentions. We can trust these people." Maggie insisted.

I shook my head. "no Maggie, im not trusting anyone." I said coldly, showing her I meant business. She had no idea what I had been through the past few years shed been silent.

'well too bad. We haven't gone for a run in years, literally. And I need to stretch my wolfie legs, so start trusting them now.' Maggie said.

"no!" I snapped. "I'm not putting us in danger." I could feel the yearn as well, I longed to shift into my wolf and go for a long run. I couldn't shift before because Maggie wasn't apart of me, and without her I cant complete the process.

There was a knock on my door, and my heart beat quickened. I kept on the bed and attempted to find a weapon before the door opened, revealing Ryder.

"I came to ask if you wanted to take a shower, and if you wanted me to bring you breakfast."

I nodded, despite my better judgement.

"there's no one here, and there a bathroom across the hall. There's a change of clothes there, you can ether throw out your old ones or leave them in the hamper to be washed. I'll make breakfast and leave it on. Your nightstand for when you back." Ryder said, before walking out of the room. I waited a few minutes for him to leave before I moved back to my bed.

Using my enhanced hearing, (trait of being a werewolf) I could tell he was telling the truth, The house was empty.

I ran across the hall into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. The room was big, with a vanity, large stand-up shower, closet and actiona toilet. I checked everything to make sure the room was empty.

I looked into the mirror. My brown hair was greasy and knotted, my skin an unnatural yellowish color. I was thin from years of eating little, and scarred from years torture. There was only one scar on my face, a long jagged line from my eye brow down to my chin. I hated my entire body because of my scars. I looked disgusting.

I stripped down and got into the shower, savoring the feeling of the hot water. I had to sit down though, my body unable to hold me up. My stomach cramped with hunger but I ignored it. When I got out of the shower I used one of the towels folded nicely on the vanity, and changed into the undergarments, sweat pants and t-shirt left for me. I threw out the rags I was wearing before, all torn up after walking through a forrest.

I ran back into my room, out of breathe and about ready to pass out. Ryder arrived with my food, and place in on my night stand before leaving.

Eggs, sausage, milk, bread and fruit. He told me to eat it all slowly, so I wouldn't be sick, and left me alone.

"can we talk?" I recognized Ryder's voice. I shook my head, but since he couldn't see that he came in anyways.

"is the food good?" Ryder asked, looking down at my plate of untouched food.

"fine." I said simply. Maggie wasn't satisfied with my answer but I ignored her.

Ryder nodded. "Would you like a tour of the house? No ones here, so we won't be bothered."

I thought quickly about it. It was a bad idea, he could hurt me. But if he hadnt yet, then he probably wasn't going too. And it would be good to the area next time I escaped...


Ryder seemed surprised by my response but he nodded, standing.

I followed him through the large house, filled with homey rooms and pretty decor. Everything I touched felt nice, the air smelt good and so far... The people weren't bad. Maggie was starting to rub it in my face that she was right.

I talked with Ryder, he mainly explained who lived where and did what. In the pack house, where I was, the Beta and Alpha lived there. His father was the Beta, which made sense. He sort of radiated power. The rest of the pack lived on the pack land, surrounded by Forrest and a large mountain, once a coal mine.

We where sitting in the kitchen eating a snack when he proposed we go for a run again.

I nodded.

Ryder took me outside and we change behind trees and shifted. Ryder's wolf was significantly larger than mine, a grey color with shots of black and brown. Mine was more of a brown color, with bits of black.

I followed Ryder at a slow walking pace for a while, enjoying the feeling of wind on my fur the dirt between my paws. We picked up pace a while but I was too tired to run. He took me through a large chunk of land, showing me some boundaries and where our land met with another packs land so if I was ever out alone I wouldnt wander too far.

Once we came back, shifted and dressed we went back into the house and ate again.

"did the Alpha talk to you yet?" Ryder asked.

I shook my head. After a few hours of small talk I was a lot more comfortable with Ryder.

"he talked to my wolf a bit, but not face-to-face." I shrugged.

Ryder nodded. "he just needs to make sure your not a threat or anything. I could definatly agree, you tiny wolf could cause some serious damage." he gave a goofy smile, and I frowned.

"I wasnt being serious, I kidding." Ryder said quickly.

I let out a tiny laugh, it felt strange and foreign.

"the pack will be home soon. If you want to stay in your room I can bring you food and keep you company. The Gamma said to keep eating small snacks and meals so your body will be used to eating off normal food, and not a tube feeder." Ryder offered.

I nodded.

He led me back to my room, and I immedetly laid down in my bed. It was starting to feel like a prison and less like a room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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