10: Going Away

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Published: July 3, 2023
Edited: May 1, 2024

TOMORROWS THE DAY — tomorrow's the day that Chad was going back to woodsboro for the summer.

He was very hesitant in leaving since it would mean he'd have to leave Ethan and he didn't feel comfortable leaving him all alone after the killings and after finding out that Ethans family was behind them because he knew how much it affected his boyfriend mentally afterwards, he didn't want him to suffer alone while he was gone.

So now they're spending their last night together laying comfortably on Chad's bed in their almost empty dorm which really just had Ethan's stuff inside.

"Do you have the key to the storage room?" Chad asked running his fingers delicately through Ethan's hair.

Ethan hummed tiredly "yes don't you worry about that, are you excited to go?"

"Totally! I'm excited to see my mom and dad, it feels like it's been ages since I've last seen them" he smiled at the thought of running back into his parents arms not realizing the sad look on Ethan's face when he said mom and dad.

"I am however sad that I'll have to leave you for two months" he frowned "Why can't you just come with me?"

"We've talked about this Chad, I want this to be something you do with your friends—"

"They're your friends too"

"Yes but they were yours first, it's like you say, 'the core four'" he used quotation marks.

Chad sort of wasn't listening because he felt like the room had weirdly gotten colder, he frowned at that. "Do you feel that?" He furrowed his eyebrows "it's kind of cold"

He looked over at his boyfriend. Ethan nodded in agreement. "Must be the window, I'll go close it"

"No," Chad grunted "I'll get it"

He got up from the bed, his fingers being the last thing to depart from Ethan grasp. He looked through the blinds and saw the thousands of lights illuminating the entire city.

He sighed shutting the window.

He looked over at Ethan, he could make out the details of Ethan's face now — the cute freckles around his nose, his dark brown eyes that seemed to shine in the light and his pink lips.

He also noticed streaks of shiny lines running down his cheeks.

Ethan was crying.

And it caused Chads heart to crack.

"Oh Ethan" Chad whispered, fighting back the tears himself "I know..I know" he exhaled. "I hate it as much as you do"

He bit his tongue. "But we'll FaceTime each other, every single day." He added "I promise"

Ethan sniffled "you can't make a promise you don't know if you can keep Chad, the time zones are—"

"I will stay up to call you every night if I have too,  just so your voice is the last thing I hear before bed, like it's always been for the entire school year"

Ethan didn't say anything and just nodded.

Chad lied back down on the bed, exhaling in relief at the warmth of the bedsheets and of his boyfriends body. He turned his body to the side to look at Ethan.

Ethan was so beautiful, so fucking perfect, even in tears.

Chad placed his palm on Ethan's cheek and creased his cheek lovingly, wiping the tears while doing so.

"I don't want you to go" He admitted, tears rimming his eyes again, his voice was soft and vulnerable.

Ethan was a people pleaser, if his family or friends wanted to do something he wasn't a hundred percent behind on, he'd stay quiet because he felt like it was rude of him to speak out against an action.

"I know E," Chad leaned his forehead onto Ethan's, his palm still attached to his cheek.

"Do you want me to stay with you a little longer?" He whispered.

"I'm not gonna ask you to do that. I'm just not ready to let you go so soon after everything."
His voice broke, "I'm not ready to be alone."

"Ethan, it's not too late for me to get you a plane ticket to come with us to woodsboro"

Ethan shook his head, why must this boy be so difficult Chad thought.

"Stop being so stubborn and just come with me.." He took Ethan's bottom lip in between his and kissed him longingly. "please?"


His boyfriend could instantly read Ethan's mind "my love, I swear to you that you will not be an burden to this trip"

"Not only will we get to spend our first summer together but you can meet my parents. My mom has been dying to meet you ever since I ranted to her about how much I love this one boy who was in my film studies class" He smirked.

Ethan rolled his eyes jokingly.

"And you won't have to be alone in this big boring city. So will you? Will you come with me?"

Ethan thought about it for a long second before nodding his head.

Chad beamed at the boy and kissed him once again but it was longer this time.

"Im so glad you're coming, Now get your ass up, if I'm getting you this ticket tonight that means tonight will be dedicated to you packing a suitcase or two"

"But I'm sooo tired" Ethan groaned covering his face with a pillow after Chad got up to turn on the lights. "Maybe I just shouldn't go"

"No! No take backsies" He frowned.

"Okay fine"

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