5. This Is The Last Time

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Published: June 12, 2023
Edited: April 28, 2024


"If i was going to cheat on you I would have already done it by now." Chad says while packing a bag and throwing whatever article of clothing he sees in sight.

Ethan's heart broke hearing those words come out of Chad. All he was doing was finally speaking up and this is what he got in return.

He and Chad had gotten into an argument in the morning, it started off when Ethan saw a notification on Chad's phone coming from Tara.

Now, Ethan was never the snooping type, but lately Tara and Chad had been extra close and touchy with each other so since Chad was asleep he'd figure he might as well open it.

Tara had sent a photo of herself in a dressing room trying on.. well Ethan didn't even wanna comment on the photo let it alone explain it to someone else.

Just imagine it. It was bad

Ethan debated if he should bring it up since he didn't need him and Chad getting into any arguments when this is the time they'll need each other the most.

But he decided to say something anyways because Chad would understand his concerns.


All Chad did was brush it off saying that he shouldn't worry and that it's just what friends do.

Ethan nodded to please him but had his mind set that he wasn't gonna let this go so easily, he would bring it up later tonight, He wanted to set a boundary.

He told Chad everything he was feeling about their relationship and about his friendship with Tara later that night but Chad wasn't having any of it.

"Chad, it's not the same between us anymore, and it just has me thinking that you'd.. I don't know give in? do something that wouldn't end well with us"

"Fuck you Ethan, you know I'd never cheat on you" he scoffs. "And If i was going to cheat on you I would have already done it by now."

Ethan couldn't believe the words coming out of chads mouth.

"Did I bore you? Was I not enough? Do you not love me anymore? Is that why you're not paying any attention to me?"

"Oh my god here we go again, here we go with your low self esteem, what's next? Bringing up your sob story about being abused by your dad your entire life? Oh! Oh! Or how you were used as one of Richie's actors for his little murder movies growing up that left you scarred? Stop using those excuses to victimize yourself."


"You need to stop blaming Tara, I'm not gonna drop her just because you're insecure. she's my best friend"

"Im not even blaming her! Im not asking you to stop being friends with her, all im asking is for you to stop being so touchy and secretive with each other!" Ethan was frustrated, he kept on going. "And yeah I'm fucking insecure. I cant make you laugh the way I used too anymore, you barely any have time for me, you don't like holding hands, you move whenever I try to kiss you. you don't even spare me a look half of the time we're together"

He continues, "It makes me fucking insecure that you'd choose to save her over me, like that night in the apartment. When you took off with Tara leaving everybody behind." Why wasn't Chad seeing his side of this argument.

"We thought you were right behind us!" Chad turned around throwing his arms up in the air. Ethan flinched at his violent tone.

Chad noticed it and felt a tug on his heart but he just zipped up his bag and swung it on his back. He pushes through ethan who was standing in front of their bedroom door.

Ethan stayed in his spot "Chad- don't go, you're blowing this out of proportion!"

Chad makes it to the front door, he opens it but before taking off he stops and turns to look at Ethan who was still in the same spot looking at Chad with the same teary eyes.

"I hope ghostface kills you, and I fucking mean it." Chad slammed the door shut and the place went silent. Dead silent.

It took Ethan a second to process what he just said, and he finally broke. He slid down the door frame and sobbed. He sobbed his heart out and he didn't care how loud he was being.

He wanted to call somebody. but he had no one.

Anika was dead, Quinn was dead. his dad disowned him and now Chad's gone.

Mindy made it obvious she didn't like him. Sam and Tara as well, they barely acknowledge his existence. Chad was all he had.

And now he was alone.

"FUCK" He banged his head on the door frame as he screamed. He couldn't stop crying.

Outside of the door was Chad listening in to his boyfriend. Forehead on the door and his fists on each side of his face . Once he had slammed the door he realized what he just said and he'd ever felt worse. He could hear the gut-wrenching cries coming from the younger boy.

He wanted to go back in there so bad, hug him and tell him he was so fucking sorry. That this would be the last time he'd ever hurt him. That he was sorry for everything he had said in their argument and that he meant none of it.

He was sorry for not paying enough attention to him, for acting like he didn't love him anymore but he had felt like it was too late. The damaged has been done.

Chad knew there wasn't anything he could do after that. So he used up all his strength and walked away. He texted Tara asking if it was okay with her if he could spend the night. Of course she said it was okay.

The next morning, he turned on the news and he felt his heart drop to his stomach.


Ethan was found dead in their dorm with multiple stab wounds and the letters
"GF" carved on his arm.

Chad felt his whole world crumble to pieces.

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