12. Two Ghosts

894 35 54

Published: July 12, 2023
Edited: May 3, 2024

Another Richie and Ethan sibling one shot 🫡

Takes place in Scream 6 <3


"WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE LUCKY GUY IN QUINN'S ROOM?" Ethan asked mindlessly. Turning his head in a more comfortable position on chads lap. Playing with chads fingers that draped over his shoulders.

"Probably someone none of us know" Chad  mumbled using his other hand to play with Ethan's hair.

"Ugh can you guys be cute somewhere else?" Anika groaned in annoyance "Where the fuck is Mindy when I need her?" She stood up from the armchair and walked over to the kitchen where the rest of the group were currently at.

The group decided to sleepover at Sam's apartment now that they knew ghostface was running around trying to attack them. It was the safest option because ghostface wouldn't stand a chance against them as a whole.

The boys giggled at Anika before returning to their peaceful touches. "Did I ever tell you that I love you?" Chad's heart practically melted when Ethan head lifted up from his position with the brightest smile on his face.

Ethan hummed "hm, Im not sure. I think you'll have to say it again." he reached his hand up to touch chads cheek.

"I love you." Chad's hand touched Ethan's hand that was still on his cheek.

"Again?" Chad chuckled before leaning down to Ethans face, their faces centimeters away.
"I love you"

Ethan giggled "I love you too" Chad scrunched his eyes before kissing his nose. He leaned further down Ethan's face and captured Ethan in a sweet kiss. The position was awkward but the boys thought of it like they were having their Spider-Man kiss moment.

Their moment was sadly interrupted by none other than Ethan's older brother.

"Hey ugly, no making out on my girlfriends couch" Richie puffed his chest out to look serious.

"Ugh Richie go away!" Ethan sat up and threw the nearest throw pillow at Richie who caught it. "Nice try baby brother" He chuckled.

"I'm literally gonna murder you" Ethan lifted himself up and was about to jump off the couch  to strangle Richie but someone's worried tone caught him off guard.

"Guys!" Sam yelled "Come quick!" The three guys looked at each other before running towards the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Richie asked running towards Sam who shakily showed him her phone. Tara did the same to Chad and Ethan.

"No." Ethan gasped. Danny had airdropped the group a photo of Ghostface attacking Quinn in her room.

He was in the apartment.

He and Richie both dashed to Quinn's room but Ethan was held back by Chad and Sam held back Richie.

"That's my sister in there, Sam I have to help her!" Richie yelled. You could hear Quinn's screams grow desperate and painful.

Suddenly the room got silent. Nobody dared to move or make a single sound. Ethan could hear his heart pounding, his breathing uneven from fear and heartbreak.

Mindy spoke up, "Run." And right on time Quinn's body came flying out of the room landing on top of Ethan making both of them go down.

Ethan screamed bloody murder seeing Quinn's organs and her body littered with slashes. He pushed her body away from him and stared at her. He couldn't hear everyone else running and scattering around the apartment He couldn't even hear Chad yelling at him to follow him.

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