3. You Dont Know How To Kiss?

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Published: June 9, 2023
Edited: April 27, 2024

A/n: I don't know if yall noticed (probably not) but I did delete some of the one shots because they either just didn't seem worth rewriting or it was a smut chapter (which I lowkey felt uncomfortable writing the first time so I can't imagine how I'd feel writing it a second time lols). I will be continuing to delete maybe a couple more one shots but I'm not sure !!

I think I'll stop any smut for now and instead just have the scenes black out??

Anyways enjoy this cute short one shot <3

CHAD AND ETHAN SAT ON ETHANS BED AS Ethan did his Econ homework while Chad was just mindlessly throwing a football in the air.

Somehow talking about homework turned into Ethan's very non-existent love life.

"So let me get this straight." Chad begins, "you're nineteen, and you've never had your first kiss?" Ethan mumbled a soft 'never'.

"So you're that type of virgin too huh?" Chad laughed at his own joke which Ethan did not find amusing. "Dude shut up" Ethan groaned shoving his shoulder. "It's not even a big deal"

"Not a big deal my ass?! do you know how to kiss a girl?"

It's not a girl I want to kiss.

"Do you?" Ethan asked dumbly as if he didn't know that Chad has had multiple girlfriends.

"Of course, but I'm not kissing any girls right now" He crossed his arms, "but I could teach you if you want"

"Excuse me?" Ethan was taken back.

"I could give you pointers" He offered casually, but there was nothing casual about this conversation.

"It can't be that complicated right? isn't it just pressing your lips onto the other person?"

"No, my friend," he paused "Well I guess but there's more to it."

"Like what chad? I'm like one hundred percent sure that's how kissing works" Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Like i said, there's more too it"

"Fine then tell me" he rolled his eyes.

"Okay so, You sort of have to have a moment with the person, like this invisible string that's pulling you towards each other.." he rambled and Ethan listened, watching chads lips as he spoke.

"So when you aim for a kiss you have to tilt your head a bit, hold their face and a bunch of other extra stuff"

"You explained it so well thanks Chad" Ethan laughed.

"Look i just can't explain it well!" Chad threw his hands up "you gotta experience it"

Ethan got closer to Chad staring at him up and down. "Don't worry, I think I understand what you mean"

"Do you? I mean-" Ethan shushed him with a soaring kiss. He panicked as he realized he didn't know what to do with his hands but thankfully Chad had placed his own hands on Ethan's face.

The kiss lasted for a couple seconds before Ethan pulled away, waiting for chads reaction.

"Honestly.. not very sure about your technique.  I think we'd have to go at it again" he got closer to Ethan's face. Ethan rolls his eyes and dives back in, this time he cradled Chads face with his hands.

Chads smiles into the kiss.

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