Ch3: Confession.

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WORDS : 786

Ehh I love them togetherr sooo muchh!! I won't get tired saying that!


Wukong's pov:

"W..What!!? Where are you going!!" I asked with surprise, "Azure is coming here, and he'll take me with him." My eyes got widen and I was really SURPRISED!

"W.. Why?! What did I do wrong..?" I asked, "Nothing.. I just need to change, you know?" he said then left the room as the door knocked..



They hugged each other.. my body was freezing and my feelings too, he'll really leave me..!!? That's so heart stupid..

I've to do something. But what if he was happy with this blue lion.. more than he's with me..?

He left Azure and got into his room and quickly started taking his things.. looks like his vision is fine for now.

I followed him and closed the door behind me, "Why do you want to leave!!? I did nothing wrong and I just need you to stay with me!!" I yelled, "You? Really? Then why did you say that thing yesterday when I was supposed to be sleeping!! Do you really want me here?" he said with a smirk at the end..

“But.. what!? You were awake!!?” he nodded, “You got me wrong.. I..” he looked at me and shooked his head, "Please leave me alone. I know you Wukong, and I don't want to be a pressure for you. Goodbye." he took a little bag with his stuff in it and then walked to the door..

I pinned him to the door, he got surprised for seconds then angriness found its way on his face, "Macaque.. I love you more than anything else.. that's why I can't feel good when you're around! I just want you to stay with me.."

His eyes widened and he looked at me in shock, "W..wait.. you love ma.."

"I love you. And I don't want to have the responsibility to lose you.. please don't leave.." I said in a low voice.. and except of angriness in his expression, there was surprise only..

"U... I'm sorry.. I didn't know you-" I interrupted with a deep kiss on his lips, I felt him freezing for seconds then he kissed back..

I felt heaven when I kissed him.. moments passed then we both pulled off..

His eyes were on mine, both of us freezed for seconds and a slight blush showed on his cheeks, he just opened the door and quickly walked off..

What's that reaction? I don't even understand.. I weren't supposed to confess like that!!

I sighed and looked out of the room, he was with Azure out.. "A.. I'm sorry Azure. I want to come over. May I?" Macaque said in a low damaged voice, "Of course little monkey. But.. now?" he nodded and then walked out with Azure. that was soo quick..


Six hours later:
Macaque's pov:

I wasn't able to see, so Azure took me to Wukong's house.

I've to go to him.. I just want to be with him now. Azure left as I started knocking the door..

Seconds then, he opened and did nothing for seconds..

"M..Macaque? Why did y-" I entered and pulled his hands after me, he said nothing as I pointed to my mouth..

"Oh.. you're tired aren't you? And you can't talk..?" He asked so I nodded, "Fine. Your bed is tidy." He said, pulling my hand to my room..

I tapped his shoulder so he turned to me, "huh?" he asked, "Do you want to say something?" I nodded and whispered with a very low voice, "I thought about what you said.. I think I have some feelings for you, too."

He didn't respond for moments, then he whispered, "I.. I don't know what to say.. I.. love you really, Macaque."

I don't know why but I got filled with pleasure, his hands was tightly holding mine, a smile showed up on my face. I wish that second stayed forever, but, "Now, you've to rest. Do you want me here with you?" he asked so I nodded and layed on the bed.

I stretched my hands then he layed and took my body in his arms.. I relaxed and buried my head in his neck.


Time skip - days later.
Wukong's pov:

"Macaque.. wake up." I said tapping his shoulder gently, he opened his eyes quickly and looked at me..

"Good morning.. I prepared your bath." I said, he quickly stood up and looked at me, "Do you feel better about your scars..?" I asked, he shooked his head and pulled my hand to the bathroom..

I started taking his clothes off and put him in the bath tub..



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