Ch6: Wake up.. [Smut]

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Words- 1k.

Tw: Swearing, simi-clothed sex.

Wukong's pov:

I moved my tail really quickly, gazing at Macaque, my tension got harder and I got filled with angriness.

I found out Macaque didn't actually like me.. Don't ask how, or why, but that's true.. I don't know how does he benefit from me being close to him, But anyway, I decided to say nothing and treat him as normal. My love to him didn't decrease a bit though... I know he will never lie on me.. why would I believe someone else!?

His eyes opened slowly and looked around, he saw me and sat quickly, "Eh!! Wukong, I didn't know you love staring at sleeping people!!" He exclaimed, "Sorry. I was thinking about you.. I guess.." I said, looking away.

"What? Why?" He looked really interested to know what's wrong, "Nevermind. I'll make you your favourite breakfast.. wash your face and follow me."

"No I don't want food now.. it's not necessary." he said, rising and walking off the room..

I'm really paranoid about losing him.. I don't know what to do right now! What if he loves someone else? I sighed then headed to my room, made myself some food, then I sat at the sitting room.

Once I started eating, he walked in.. "Do you want some..?" he looked at me, "Ah? No thank you." he said, sitting right beside me..

I looked at him for seconds, "What?? Is there something on my face?" he said, checking his face. I smirked then opened the TV and looked at it.

He looked at me without understanding, and I still watched TV for an hour.

"Do you want to do.. anything interesting?" he asked, "No. I'm Tired." I said, then left him and went to my room.

"Sh1t.. my eyes.." I heard him whispering in angriness, I looked out to him, "Do you need help?" I asked, "No.. thank you." I nodded then sat, thinking how much I'm tensed and angry now.. I've to relax.


I was in the bath tub, really relaxed, feeling water touching every part of me.. That's the best feeling I've ever had alone.

I closed my eyes, until I really fell asleep.


"Hey you! Are you going to shower for the whole day!" Macaque yelled behind the door, "Yeah what do you want!" I answered, opening my eyes and looking at the door.. "Uhhh when you finish let me in." He said then his voice disappeared.

Minutes later, I wore my clothes and walked off the bath. I was going to the sitting room, but he appeared out of nowhere and pinned me to the wall.

"Wukong! FVck off that's enough.. what's wrong with you? I mean, are you tired?? Why don't you tell me instead of.."

"Fine, why don't I tell you? You said you lost your fVcking feelings for me and now you say.."

"Wait.. I didn't say th.."

I pushed him slightly and went to my room, he quickly followed me, "Wukong! Who even are you believing!!? Me or some.. anything that told you!!" I looked away trying to look at anything but him, "Macaque." I said, "You don't even know how much I like being with you.. and what you mean for me!" he said,

"Macaque!!" I yelled, "That is enough. Me or no one, you can choose when yo-"

"It's always been you, dumb!" He said, "No one but you."

I smirked and pulled him, "Fine. I didn't believe at all.. but I'd to make sure." I kissed him slightly, but it seemed like he wanted more, so I gave him as much as I could deepen those kisses.

I pinned him to the wall next to the door, my hands around his waist, and so his hands on my shoulders..

"W- why don't we do that over there?" I said, pointing to the bed. He nodded so I lifted him and quickly left him on the bed, got on and kissed his forehead slightly.

I then approached his face and kissed him, "Well, I'm glad you got me wrong." He whispered, I chuckled and smirked, "You will be more glad now, turn around."

"Huh?" He said, "Turn.. around. Did you get that?" He nodded and quickly turned. I grabbed his shoulders gently and sat slightly on his body, and started moving quickly.

He buried his head in the bed and his groans were low, I moved more quick so I could hear them higher. "Ehh Wukong.." He whimpered closing his eyes and so did I.


Minutes later-

Wukong left my body and sat beside me, "So, do you really like being with me?" He said, "Of course! Why don't I?" I answered, rolling over on the bed, "Anyway, Don't you ever think I don't want or like you anymore." I said in a low voice, he turned to me, "I won't, of course."


Wukong's pov:
I walked off the door of the room and went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror to my body, exactly to some spot that hurts so much since the trap we were in.

I brought a cotton piece and put it on that part and whimpered in a very low voice, "Shit.." I said, trying to hold the cotton to put the bandages on, I I wrapped it around the bruise, my eyebrows meeting in pain, "FVck, fVck, fVck...!" I whispered in pain and closed my eyes, and as soon as I finished applying the bandages, I sighed with relief..

I looked at the mirror again, I felt I'm really tired. I've to have some time to meditate or something..

I poked my head outside the bathroom door to watch the macaque sitting in our room. I sighed with relief and felt happy that my tiredness was not in vain.

No sacrifice is useless.. right?

I found out people like the story, I don't like it actually but as you like it I'll upload more.

Votes give me positive energy!!

Goodbye, have a nice day.

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