Ch7: A cure.

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Words- 670

I'm real sorry for the language issues, so if you spot one just tell me its correction.

I really hate english but I like it!! Stupid Ik, but I was skipping its sessions 😭😭😭

So, enjoy your day.

Macaque's pov:

I heard Wukong's whimpers and groans, I knew it would hurt him if I saw him in pain.. I've to leave him alone until he's better..

I knew something was wrong.. Why is that so annoying? I sighed and sat, waiting for him..

I heard him leaving the bathroom, then went out to the sitting room.. I heard the TV working so I'd a feeling of relief, he's fine now.. I can go and talk with him.

I left the room and approached him, tapped his shoulder, so he jumped back and turned to me, "Uhh Macaque it's you.. what do you w-" He yelled, and then looked away quickly, "Sorry.. I'm just nervous." I didn't mind to that and approached him more, "Fine, I'll give you a hug if you didn't tell me w-" he said..

No!! Not hugs!! "I want you to.. eh.. come and sleep with me.." I murmered nervously, he chuckled and leaned in a bit, "That contains hugs, too!" he said in a flirtatious tone, touching my neck with his tail, "Yeah I know just shut up and come!!" I yelled, my face went light red..

A flirtatious expression on his face appeared as he noticed my face getting red, he pulled me by his tail and kissed me slightly.

I blushed even more and pushed him slightly, he chuckled and pulled my hands, "Let's go." he said, heading to our room, pulling me gently..


Wukong's pov:

Once I felt his head relaxed on my chest, I felt anxious more and more..

I know there's something that would hurt him around, but I'm still anxious!! I feel my body's so weak, and I may fall apart at any seconds during day.

That's so tiring.. my power could be nothing in a few days.. I let out a sigh and looked at Macauqe..


"Wukong.. why your hands are trembling?" he said seriously, "and.. you don't look fine.." he said slowly, looking at me, I felt more anxious and pushed him gently, "No!! I'm just fine."

I knew he would notice at some point, and I'll have to tell him.. and now I have to..

"Wukong, what's that? Is this because you exhausted your self in that fVcking trap!" he yelled in a damaged voice, I sighed and nodded quickly, "Macaque.. I'm not that tired. You're too weak to help with that." I then stood up and looked at him, "I know you want me to be fine, but no, I'll take care of myself." I said then left the room..

I sighed and looked at the door, he was real shocked! The look in his face, his raised eyebrows, "You really think I'm weak!? Because I just can't see or talk well?" He yelled in angriness, I nodded and crossed my hands, "You wouldn't get out of there without my help. That's why I helped you and damaged my body!!" I answered coldly.

The shock in his expression has disappeared, "Now, you're weaker." He said with a smirk, "Wrong, you dumb. My strength never changed! I'm just tired."

"Heh? Tired? Let's see who's tired." he said approaching me, then punched me very hard, right on my shoulder.. I did nothing but groaned in a very low voice, because it hurts..

Not because it's very strong.. it's because this is Macaque who punched me.. My eyed widen then I looked at him..

"Did you really do that" I said angrily, he nodded, I sighed and looked at him, "You know I won't get mad." I said then left him, and went to the bathroom.


Sorry it's too short, I'm writing another one in the same time.
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