Ch 2: Macaque decides.

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Words - 839

I just finished the chapter and now I know Azor isn't written like this, forgive me for that.

Wukong's pov:

I woke up, feeling the space beside me on the bed.. looks like Macaque isn't here.. did he wake up early!

I stood up and looked around, then walked off the door and entered the kitchen..

But suddenly I heard some familiar laughs.. Macaque's laughs and..

I quickly headed to the sitting room and got surprised, seeing Azure with Macaque!! How did he even come? How did he know the..

“Oh! The orange Monkey had come! I'm leaving, Macaque.” he said sarcastically, looking at me with a smirk. I was going to tear his face into parts, but Macaque was here!!

He shooked his head and pulled Azure's wrist, what the f-

“Fine, I'll stay here for Macaque!” He said, I felt his voice full of affection..

“Anyway, you! Wukong! Go bring us something to eat. Macaque's starving.” Azure ordered, I didn't respond and got in the kitchen.

I prepared some food for Macaque and A then headed to the sitting room.. I walked to them, Getting more angry from seeing them together, I put the food on the table and headed to my room..


After they ate and have fun, Azure decided to leave. It was too late as he stayed for the whole day!!

“Did you enjoy your time with him, Macaque?” I asked, “Yes! A lot.” he said, his voice were a bit strong and full of happiness..

“Huh. If you're, then I'm. Now, time to sleep.” I approached him, “I. I feel a bit tired to go to the..” I interrupted him as I carried his mini-sized body, it was smaller than mine so I didn't feel his body is heavy or something.. his face expressions looked very shocked but I took him immediately to his room.

“Macaque, can I..” he interrupted “Can you sleep with me?” He said, his face was turned to mine, “Huh? Yeah fine.” I put him on the bed then layed my body beside him, then cover us with a blanket.

“Wukong, do you love Azure?” He asked, I got closer to his body and surrounded him with my arms, “Not very much, but I can bear him.. anyway, tomorrow I'll bathe you. your scars will be better if you had a bath everyday.” I said, he only nodded and rest his head on my chest..

I only felt my body was melting, he was very relaxed between my arms, his tail was relaxed, too. But I wasn't..

“Wukong, are you tensed? Your tail is..” he pointed to my tail which was moving a bit very quick. “No. I'm fine.”

He held me tighter and closed his eyes..

Minutes passed, I was just staring at Macaque in awe.. “M. Macaque..” I whispered, “Are you awake?”

He didn't answer so I sighed and patted on his head, then left the bed slowly and left the room.


Macaque's pov:

I thought he would kiss me again or something, but I was wrong. I felt relieved as he left me and exited the room.

I've never been so close like that to any body through my long life.. but he's different.

I got surprised when he came back and slept again beside me, he hugged me tightly and I felt his looks on my face..

“Macaque. You're not sleeping. Are you!” he said seriously. I felt confused and I said nothing. That was easy at all..

I heard him sigh and put his face in my neck.. sh1t!! That felt so..

His warm breath on my neck. I just felt his cold lips on my neck, too!! He started kissing it slowly.. moments later he just left me and looked at me..

“I am sorry Macaque. I feel a bit better now.” he said, he then looked away and sighed, I opened my eyes and glanced at him for seconds, “I am real sorry. I feel good when I'm talking to you when you're asleep!” he turned to me so I closed my eyes quickly, “You being here is so hard for me.. I can't take that but I'm trying to!!” he sighed and approached me a bit.

“Good night, sweet monkey.” he whispered near my ear and put a kiss right below my ear, he then left the room very quickly..!! Why did he say that? Do I annoy him?

I tried to sleep but I couldn't.. I just layed on the bed thinking of what Wukong said for hours..

But in the morning, I decided what I've to do.


Time skip - the next day:
Wukong's pov-

“Hey good morning Shadows Monkie!” I said as I saw him approaching me, “Did you sleep well??” I asked, he seemed soo annoyed and looked away, “Yeah. Very well” I smiled, “Fine. Won't you have your breakfast and take your ba-”

“Wukong. I'm leaving.” he said easily, looking at me coldly..


I love them so much.

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