Ch5: The Big Trap.

333 10 12

Words- 846.

Guys!! I write and think about the story while writing! heh-

And Actually, I was at a mall during writing. It wasn't a really good day 😃

So have fun reading that.


Wukong's pov:

Where are we?

I opened my eyes to find myself at a very dark place.. without thinking, I just looked for Macaque with my eyes.. no way I can't see.

I remembered I've an ability to see with my golden sight. But it did!

My hands were tied behind me.. With a steel chains.. I shifted into a mouse and freed myself from the ties..

"Macaque!! Are you there!!?" I shifted to my shape again, "Can you hear me?"

I heard a low groans in the corner.. I quickly ran there and whispered, "Is that you?" I asked with a real awe, I felt some bangs on the wall so I touched there to make sure it was him.

The sense of that dry fluffy fur.. that's what I needed to touch, but not in that situation.

I whispered, "You will be fine.. please be calm." his sound disappeared so I tried touching his face.. shit.. there was a veil on his mouth and his nose. I quickly took it off, "Are you feeling better now!!" I asked, my hands making sure that's Macaque.. "Fine bud. Let's look for that clown!" He sayed, standing up and taking my hands.. I got surprised of his confident voice, but said nothing.

"Can you use your powers?" he shooked his head, "Oh.. that means our powers are useless.." I said looking at him.. I felt his hands very tight on mine.. he noticed something..

He turned to me and whispered, "Someone is near. I hear some noisy breath.. over there." he took my hand and pointed to somewhere with a slight light..

"I will go first." I said, "There is something that may hurt you.. I'm sure.." he shooked his head and whispered, "Together, Wukong. As we always were." I just felt I'm full of happiness when I heard that, And totally forgot about that trap we're in.

I put my hands around him to make sure he'll be safe, and started walking. Step by a step, the sound become closer. My tail tensed and moved randomly, "Wukong, we're together. I'm by your side.. you've just to calm down." His words colden my heart.. I nodded, and left his hands.

I just walked like three or four steps when something hit my hea-


Macaque's pov:

"Wukong!!" I yelled with a surprise, as I quickly grabbed his hand. His body was a bit heavy.. he's not awake.

"Shit!!" I yelled then carried his body, forgetting all about the pain I'm going to feel after leaving him when he wakes up..

I knee someone was over there.. but this fVcking tension..

I can help myself, but Wukong..? How? I need his help and now He needs me..

I sighed, "Stop hiding like a fVcking rat." I said full of angriness.. my tail twisted around itself and my eyes tightened..

"Ohh hi sweet Macky!" The familiar voice yelled, the lights turned on and I could see very hardly.. my eyes hurt, I've to fight for Wukong, but how without my sight!!

"Azor?" I said full of confidence.. even though my eyes hurt a lot.. "Heh. The little dark monkie knows well. Fine, I'm Azor. And you won't help your sweet Wukong. Ew." He said, disgusted from the way I'm holding Wukong to me..

I felt unsafe for Wukong for seconds.. but..

"Fine, what do you want?" I asked, "To tell you that you're mine, not that rat's. But, lucky me!! He's with you!" He said approaching me, "Why did you stop our powers.. and why..!" I asked.

"I didn't. You did!" he said smirking, approaching from us more and more.. I felt something touching my tail.. something that is long and have fur on it..

It's Wukong's tail!! I smirked at Azor as Wukong's tail was touching me, giving me signs to tell me what to do..

I approached Azor quickly, and out of no where, Wukong jumped from my hands and pushed my body slightly with his legs, I pushed my body to let him attack Azor.

And he did!


Hours later - Thier house.
Narrator's pov:

"Sorry Macaque. It was an extreme effort for you to.." Wukong said, he was bathing his fur.. he was very tired. "No, I'm fine." Wukong sighed and kissed his forehead gently and slowly washed his scars.

Macaque closed his eyes in pain.. Wukong noticed but he wouldn't do anything to. He didn't want to hurt his wounds but he has to.

"I finished. Now, let's go to sleep." He said, he immediately carried Macaque to his room, left him on the bed and layed beside him. "Wukong are you feeling okay! I'm not sure you're.."

"Yea, Macky. Just sleep. I'm fine." Wukong answered and closed his eyes.

Macaque sighed and smiled then snuggled up against Wukong's body.. thier tails twisted around eachother as both of them felt relaxed.



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