Chapter 3: Gym with Chim

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A/n: So I decided to update again. Omg! Minmin moment here! Hehehehez. I would like to give credits to the multimedia above. I got it from weheartit. Minah and Jimin look good together, ayt? *e*

Okeh. So here it goes. Enjoy~

PD-nim assigned me to accompany Jimin to the gym. Asdfghjiminkl

Ok, fangirling not allowed >\\<

I fixed myself and went to the gym. Everywhere bangtan go, Jimin never fails to work out -3-

As I enter, I feel my heart beating so fast.

Heck yeah! This is Jimin... Doing... Gulps.... Some... Work....outs. He got no jams but who cares? He's hot. Yum. Okeh no.

I went inside with water and towel for Jimin.

He's wearing some loose sandos and some work-out pants. It shows his.... biceps.... triceps.... and talk about those manly-looking legs.

Omfggg I'm dying! I can feel my face burning. What is air what is lyf what is hot what is jams- oh wait, no jams

"Minah! I said give me the towel...." "Oh.."

Pabo! Pabo! Pabo Bang Minah! I was so into thinking that Jimin is naked (in my mind) that I did not recognized that he's saying something.

Oopss my bad. Bruh.

I quickly hand him his towel....

"You're spacing out...." He pointed out.

Pabo Jimin! It's because of you! Pls stop being hot huhu

"Mianhae." "Are you feeling sick? You can leave now and rest. I can handle myself." "A-ani. I'm ok. It's fine."

Noooooo. I don't wanna leave. Not until I see your abs chimchim. Hehehehez.

"Really? Ok then." He then again starts carrying some weights.

Jesus. His biceps...arms.... Oh my god! They're sweaty. Omy eyes! Ottokhae?! Aaaahhhh----

"So..." He cuts me off from my thought, "so?"

"How are you and Jin hyung doing? You two seems to be getting along with each other."

I blushed at the thought. What is this smurf saying?!

"W-what do you mean?" He put away whatever he is carrying and stared into my eyes.

Staph Jimin! Huhu... Your eyes.... They're killing mehhhh.

"Aren't you two dating?" He asked seriously.

Christ! Jimin look scary.

I immediately shook my head as a sign of no. He smirked at me and leaned towards me putting his lips near my right ear.

What's wrong with this dwarf?! Is he trying to kill me?! He's so close I could feel his breath! TT^TT so hot in here ~_~

"Then what about the rooftop date?" He whispered in my ears. I stepped backwards freeing myself from Jimin's body. Oh god.

"What date?" Then I remember seeing him looking mad at the rooftop when I was with Jin.

I widened my eyes, "that's not a date!" He chuckles softly. But why does his chuckle sounds scary?!

"Defensive much? Oh, please. Don't lie to me. It's not like I'm gonna broadcast it to the world."

I looked at him seriously. "Really. It's not what you think it is. We just hang-out there. Like friends. Yeah. Just friends."

His eyes showed madness again.... Phew scary!

"Then how would you explain the star thing?" "What?"

"Because Im with you watching these pretty stars at the sky." He said sarcastically trying to sound like Jin.

Oh. That.

"I-I dont know! But still! It was not a date!"

"Yeah. Friends my abs. I mean, ass."

"Wait- were you eavesdropping on us?"

He looked shocked and just look away.

Is he........?

"Are you jealous?" I asked grinning. He immediately blushed crimson.

"W-what are you saying?!" "It's ok. I don't like Jin oppa. You can have him." I said not showing interest about the topic.

He widened his eyes.

"Have who?!" "Jin." He cocks his head up.

"Hah. You're unbelievable!"

Then Jimin left-still blushing. What was that all about?

Such a weirdo. So..... Who's the girl? Is it Jin? Or Jimin?

Whaaaaaaat?! TTyTT Jimin is my man. Pls don't be a gay huhu

A/n: omg. MinJi/MinMin feels (squeals) so how do you like this? I ship MinahxJin too but MinJi all the way! Haha.

Long(?) Update for you guys. Next update, tomorrow again. Yeeey! Sorry for the typos yay thanks bye

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