Chapter 5: Alien Alert

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A/n: As promised, an update for today. V and Hyeri's outfit at the airport at the multimedia section. Got it from weheartit again. Please check it out. So yeah, here goes the update.

Hyeri's P.O.V:

/yawns/ I'm so tired. All of them are sleeping- probably tired. But I can't sleep.

I can never sleep at a plane. I find the ride very uncomfortable.

Then, I feel someone poking my arm. It's taehyung. I got to sit beside this cute alien through out the trip.

"You need something?" I asked him. He nodded hard many times exagerating his actions. Oh, boy.

I like V but he look so dumb right now.

"What is it that you need?"
"Nothing." Then he laugh like a crazy old man.

Whatthe--- he just nodded then he said nothing?! WHUT?!

Ok, calm down, Hyeri. You know that this one is crazy.

Breathe in, out, in, out, in----

"We should've just ride in my UFO. It's more comfortable there, right?" He said showing his 'all-teeth-shown' smile. Jeez

"Yeah." I just said awkwardly.

"What's this?" He asked observing the cologne on his hand and smells it.

"Hmm.... Smells like strvwbwirry."

Then he started drinking it. Whatthe---- I grabbed the bottle from him.

"Are you crazy?!" Then he snatched it from me again, and I grabbed it again, and he stole it, and I get it again and.... Boogsh!!

"Awww...." He hit me with the cologne bottle.

He laughed and starts drinking the cologne again. What the--?

Whatevs, I'm just gonna try to sleep.

I was trying my best to sleep but...

"Pssssht..." V starts pulling my hair lightly.

What now?! Aish!!

"What?!" I asked not too loud but it shows anger and irritation.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?~~~" he sings, "No." Then I started sleeping again, "Okay, byeeee~" he sings again.

"Hey Elsa! Elsa!" "Sssshhhhh!!!! I'm Hyeri, okay?! And I don't wanna build a snowman!! For someone's sake! We're on a plane! There's no snow here and I'm trying my best to relax, sleep and rest! Would you please shut up for a minute?!"

He just stared at me for a while then.... "Do you wanna build a snowman?~~~" he sings.

Oh, boy.

A/n: sorry for the lame update. Huhuhu TT^TT but I like TaeRi loveteam (TaehyungxHyeri) okeh next update- tomorrow. Kyaaaa eym updating everyday yay! Okeh okeh

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