Chapter 8: Date

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A/n: so another update as promised. Yay! Minah and Suga at the multimedia section. Credits as watermark.

Minah's p.o.v:

After Bangtan finished their practice, I cleaned everything. I was mopping the floor when Jin gets the mop from me.

"Let me help you." Then he smiled.

Jin.... sighs. Helping really is his nature.

I wonder if he's ok now. I mean, after Yoongi's announcement. Is he still hurt?

"Ummm... Jin oppa..." "Ne?" He asked not removing his smile.

Ugh! I don't know what to say. Why is he acting like nothing happened?

"Uh... Aniyo...." I just tried to shrug it off.

"If it's between you and Suga, it's okay, Minah. Don't think of it too much. I must admit that I'm hurt but I totally understand it. If you really like him, I can't do anything about it. I don't wanna shake your thoughts. Just be happy, ok? So.... Friends?" He smiled offering his hand to me.

"Friends." I smiled. I'm glad that Jin is really understanding.

"Ehem.." We looked at the door and saw Suga standing there with his left hand on his pocket.

He switched his eyes to my hands holding Jin's.

Jin stopped shaking my hands and head towards the door, but before leaving, he messes Suga's hair and said, "Take care of Minah." Then he leaves.

Now everything's ok.... I think? I mean, I sort of made it clear to Jin that I have no plans of dating him but Suga- I'm now dating him.

Well, at least he knows that I don't like him.

"You finished cleaning, Minah?" He asked, I put down the mop and nod at him.

"Come with me, kaja!" He said excitedly and he starts pulling me out of the building.

We arrived at the Jeopsu. It's a famous restaurant near Gangnam.

"Consider this as our first official date." He whispered to me while he pulls my chair out for me to seat in.

There aren't a lot of customers so I guess it's okay for us to eat here. And Suga picked the best spot.

We are at the corner back of the restaurant so no one notices our presence.

The waitress took our order and I was the one who talked with her because Yoongi is looking out the window for him to not be noticed by the people.

After waiting, our food arrived and Suga started talking to me.

"What did you talk about with Jin hyung?" His voice shows a little anger or irritation, I don't really know.

"Us." He furrowed his brows upon hearing my answer. "What do you mean?"

I breathe in, " well, we completed our mission!! It's now clear to Jin that I can't date him." I beamed.

"That's good." He said taking a bite from his food.

We talked a lot more while eating. He makes me feel comfortable around him because he jokes around and I do too. He talked about how Rapmon would destroy his things and how Jhope would fail (well, always) in studies and how V would drink shampoo, glue, cologne and lot more.

And there I thought, Suga's not that bad after all.

After eating, Suga said that he still got a lot more spare time so we decided to watch a movie.

We decided to watch a comedy genre. Yoongi and I just laugh throughout the movie because it was pretty hilarious.

Whenever I look at Yoongi l, I would always see his gummy smile- I find it cute, honestly. He has a very bright smile.

Suga caught me stoling glances at him, "I might melt you know, stop staring." I immediately blushed and turn my attention to the big screen. Phew, good thing it is dark in here. 'I-I'm not!!" He just chuckles and continued watching.

After the movie, Suga and I went to the ice cream shop because both of us were craving for it.

He picked mint flavor while I decided to have watermelon.

While walking out of the shop, we saw Jimin along the ways,

And he's not alone.

"Oh, it's Jimin." Yoongi went to Jimin's place and I just followed.

"Hyung...." Jimin greeted Suga then he turned to me, "oh, hi, Minah." I just smiled (not really genuine) at him.

"So who's the lovely girl?" Suga asked

And yes, he's with a girl.

Jimin scratched the back if his head. He looks shy.

"Ah hyung, Minah-ssi, this is Yura. My new girlfriend."

A/n: aweeeee is this the end for the #minmin couple? Nooooooo! Hahahaha. Okeh next update, latuuuuuh. Just a filler so short chapter oki? Hehehehehe.

Sorry for the typosssssssss. Annyeong~

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