Chapter 4: Back to Seoul

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We're now heading back to seoul. We packed all our stuffs and we're waiting here at the airport for our flight.

I'm sitting with hyeri beside me. She starts poking my shoulders.

"What?" I asked with a tired tone. "So what happened to your date last day with Jin oppa?" She asked excitedly while wiggling her eyebrows and smiling from ear to ear.

"Hyeri, I told you it was not a date, ok?" "Yeah, right." She answered sarcastically.

"But hey, Jin oppa seems to be so into you. Look at him, He can't take his eyes off of you." I looked where Jin is and spotted him looking our way. He just smiled at me and I did the same. Heol.... His smile.

I turned to Hyeri and hit her lightly at her arms.

"We're just friends." "For you." "Ne?"
"For you, you two are just friends but for him," she pointed at Jin using her pouting lips "for him, it's more than that."

I sighed. Well, she's right. I'm not that dense to not know. I know that Jin feels something special for me.

His looks

His smiles

His actions


Just everything he do shows that he has feelings for me.

Yes, I like him too. Who wouldn't? But it is because Im an A.R.M.Y. but I dont like him in a special way like he does.

I just shake my thoughts. Thank God Hyeri just shrug it off and continued scrolling on her handphone.

It's time for our flight already so we fixed our things and head straight to the plane.

I look for my seat just to find out that I'll be sitting beside Jimin.


Jimin.... I think this ride will kill me. Oh no, my feels. Eym dying!!!

He looked up at me and just ignored me and turned his direction back to the plane's window.

Shoot! I want to sit beside the window huhu but oh wells, at least i'm beside Jimin hehez.

I was having a hard time putting some of the BTS member's things when Jimin stood up and get the things from me and attempted to put it at the top of our seats but.... Failed!

He's too short TT^TT but Jin is to the rescue.

"Jimin you're too small to be doing this. Let me." He gets the bags away from Jimin and Jimin just punch his hyung in the arm jokingly and sits again.

I thanked Jin and he just nodded and of course, smiled. Typical Jin.

I already sit beside Jimin. After a few hours, I saw Bangtan and the other staffs sleeping. They must be really tired.

I turn my face to Jimin and saw him sleeping-even snoring but idc. He's still an angel when he sleeps. He's so handsome. How can there be such a handsome face?

He's just so perfect for me. I wish that Jin's feelings would be just Jimin's. Sighs.

I leaned even more closer to his face to examined him a little more when he opened his eyes.

@#%$+%(#(@9-3;$+;'!*((@ omgs

We are staring at each other's eyes and oh my god I feel my heart palpitating!

This boy really can kill me!

"Am I really that handsome?" He broke the silence. I move away and just look straight trying my best to feel ok tho inside my heart is jumping.

"Hah. Yeah, right. You still got no jams." I said trying to sound a little convincing.

I wanted to shout at him and say "OH YOU CHIMCHIM!! YES, YOU ARE HELLA HANDSOME- EVEN MORE THAN THAT! YOU'RE HOT, YOU'RE SEXY, YOU ARE GODDAMN PERFECT!" but that would just make his head big. I'm never gonna admit that in his face. Hah.

I just blurted out that he got no jams. That's true too anyway.

He just smirked and continued sleeping looking like he's not believing what I just said.

Me no cares! Hmp. Omgs my heart!!!!

A/n: hiiii so how do you like this one? Check out the multimedia section to see #Minmin couple's airport outfit. Cute, ayt? Hehehez.

Next update? Later or tomorrow. Depends. I'm going to school now.

Next chapter. A moment of Hyeri. Yay! Okeh okeh

Life of BTS's P.A (personal assistant) BTS fanficWhere stories live. Discover now