Aphrodite and Nico

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Aphrodite approached Nico, grinning. Nico knew this wasn't going to be good. "What do you want Aphrodite" He growled, unsheathing his Obsidian sword. "Nico" Aphrodite pouted "I just want to help you!".

Nico hesitantly put his sword back in his thing where u put Ur sword in. "With what." He eyed her suspiciously. "With your crush of course!" Aphrodite smiled. Nico stepped back. "You mean Will?" Nico asked "I'm already dating him.".

"No, no not him" Aphrodite sighed "Your other crush". "What?" Nico was taken aback "I- I'm over Percy". "Oh really?" Aphrodite eyed him "Then why did you confess that you loved Percy to Cupid?". "I'm. Over. Him." Nico said coldly.

"Oh puh-lease you are not" Aphrodite spoke.

"I am and you are not changing my mind about it, I have Will and he is literally the best boyfriend ever" Nico continued "I will not fall in love with Percy again. I will not let you give me any sort of power. I will not. I will not. I will not. I will not. I will not. I will not. I will not. I will not."

. Aphrodite yawned "Ok are you done with that boring talk yet?". Silence. "Ok, so Nico, this is your last chance. You have to accept the power I am offering you or else I will literally force you to fall in love with Percy and I will corrupt you, if you just accepted my offer you would not be corrupted".

"One word. No." Nico said coldly. "Nico. I know if you really like Will. Because I am literally the love goddess. Turns out you don't like Will but you like Percy.". Nico laughed "Like Percy? I told you-" Nico turned his expression from laughing to a death glare "- I'm. Over. Him.". "No you are not" Aphrodite tried charming him.

"Yes I am"

"No you are not"

"Yes I am"

"You know what Nico?" Aphrodite said angrily "I am giving you this power. Right here. Right now.". Before Nico could object a bright pink light flashed. Then everything went dark.

------Line Break------

Nico awoke with a sudden start. He immediately realised he did have feelings for Percy. So I see it worked. You know officially have feelings for Percy said a voice in his head. Aphrodite? Nico thought. Yes, yes it's me she talked back to him Now Nico. Why don't you go ahead and look in your drawer?.

Nico walked towards his drawer and opened it. A pink scarf was hidden inside. Your scarf? He asked in his mind. Yes it is Aphrodite answered Also. Why don't you go ahead and try your powers and the scarf on Percy? Right now he's in his cabin. Nico exited his cabin Yes Aphrodite he thought. Also Nico. Aphrodite added You can use mind control in other people's minds. Should I use it on Percy? He asked. Yes just do whatever you want. Was the response.

------Line Break------

Percy was chilling out on his bed casually. Suddenly he heard a knock. "Come in" Percy said. Nico stepped inside, a creepy smile on his face. Percy felt uncomfortable. Nico locked the door. "Uuum... Hi Nico, what are you doing here?" Percy asked, uncomfortabley. "Hi Percy... I just wanted to tell you that I was given a certain power by a certain Goddess" Nico smirked.

"Oh yea? And what is that power?" Percy shuffled a bit farther from Nico as he sat down next to him. "Oh-" Nico pulled out a pink scarf, Percy immediately recognised it. "That's Aphrodite's scarf". "Yes, Indeed it is Percy" Nico grinned.

"Well... Uum... Why do you have it?" Percy shuffled farther but Nico got closer. "To use it on you Percy, isn't it obvious?" Nico's grin widened.


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