May Darkness reign

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1st person Nico:

Darkness surrounded me. It engulfed me, everywhere. Where am I I thought. I looked around frantically, I was used to being in the dark but this was... So, so dark.

Well Hello there Nico A playful voice was summoned in my mind. I recognised the voice almost immediately, Aphrodite I thought What are you doing inside my thoughts?. Aphrodite sighed Well- the actual question is- What are you doing in your own thoughts Nico?. I looked around a bit more What do mea-. I spotted it.

A picture... Well not really a picture... More like a... I don't know... Maybe... A vision? Well whatever it was it was a physical version of me doing stuff too... Percy? I gasped. You- you trapped me in my own mind! Bring me back!. Aphrodite sighed, Nico it's not that easy. I shouted at her, mentally What do you mean it's 'Not that easy'? You are a Goddes, I mean are you weak?. Aphrodite looked insulted, but then she left, leaving me all alone.

At camp Percy POV (still 1st person):

I gasped. I felt like I had gained control over my body. I looked around my surroundings, seems like I was strapped to a chair with really tight ropes, or something. Suddenly, someone entered the room.
"Nico" I growled. "Well hello there Percy" Nico grinned. "Nico, stop this now." I ordered him, obviously did not work. Nico only broadened his grin, "Not going to work Percy, kiss me now". "What the actual fuck Nico" I growled, but against my will, my body leant forward and kissed Nico.

We pulled apart. I snapped back to my senses, again, "Nico why did you make me do that?!" I shouted at him. "Because I can" Nico said in a duh tone "Oh, and by the way, the chair you are strapped to is taking away your free will, or whatever, soon you'll be all mine". Nico turned around and smirked, then he shut the door.

Another cliffhanger
Sorry for updating slowly
I'll try maybe updating more often

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