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"You- You wouldn't use that on me Nico right?" Percy laughed nervously. "Oh yes I would, and I will." Nico smirked. "Well.. at least you'll tell me what it does right?" Percy tried to slow Nico down. "The only thing I'll tell you is that it will make you fall in love with me" Nico said.

Nico wrapped the scarf around Percy's arm. Percy struggled against Nico, trying to make the scarf get off him. "Stop resisting Percy" Nico said, his voice dripping with charm speak.

Percy froze for a moment but then he returned to normal and kept on pulling against the scarf, but it was getting more sluggish by the moment until it stopped altogether. "So Percy..." Nico said, slowly removing the scarf from Percy's arm, "How do you feel?".

"Great, because I'm with you, Nico" Percy grinned.

Nico smirked. "Come here Percy" He ordered. Percy came towards Nico. "Kiss me". Without any question, Percy pulled Nico by the shirt and kissed him. Nico? Percy's voice appeared in Nico's head Why- why are you making me do this? I love Annabeth not you. In real life Percy just kept on kissing Nico but the kiss he gave to Nico wasn't soft and passionate. It was aggressive and needy. Not to mention fake. Oh Percy Nico spoke back I'm doing this because I want to. And also you love me not Annabeth.

It didn't work. Nico no. I love Annabeth not you. Percy countered. Fine then. Nico gave up easily on trying to hypotise Percy. I'll just trap you in your own mind. The physical Percy will be under my control.

And with that Nico left Percy's mind.

------Line Break------

Percy kissed Nico tightly, but to Nico, it still felt fake. When they broke from the kiss Nico spoke "Percy, these kisses feel fake so from now on, I want you to make them feel real, like you actually love me". "Yes Master Nico" Percy said in monotone. "You know what? I like that. From now on you will refer to me as Master" Nico smirked "Not 'Master Nico' just Master. Got it?". "Yes Master" Percy spoke.

Percy pulled Nico in for a kiss. After an hour of kissing they pulled away. "Now let's go have some fun with your friends shall we?"

I'm bored out of my mind.
Prob gonna update this story on Wednesday btw

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