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"So let's go over my awesome plan again," Percy started "I'll act as though I'm under Nico's spell, thankfully we found this thing-" Percy shook the vial "-So I won't fall under his spell- Then you will stab him with this dagger in his heart, but you have to get caught and when I'm distracting him you stab him, we also have to be near the entrance, so I'll tell him-".

"Yeah, yeah I got it." Leo grumbled "Come on let's go". Leo and Percy trudged through the woods before they finally reached an opening. They both drank the potion. "Ok now." Percy put ropes (that looked tight but we're loose) around Leo's arms. They both started walking towards the dark castle that was towering above them.

Percy took a deep breath.


Nico looked out onto the surveillance cameras. Then he spotted him. Percy was holding someone hostage... Leo?!?! How did he get to camp?!?! Nico made it so that no one could enter or leave! Oh well... He would just capture Leo and put him in jail or something.


Percy and Leo were both ready, they knew what they were going to face. Nico. The one and only. Percy looked out into the distance, then he saw Nico coming closer. "Percy!" Nico called, "What are you doing out here? And how did you find Leo?". "I was just taking a stroll and I found Leo and tied him up" (I'm not good at making excuses sorry) Percy said automatically. "I see..." Nico smirked "But then... How did you get out of the chair draining thing I made?".

"I got out because one of the legs suddenly broke" Percy said automatically again, Nico eyed him. "Then the entire chair broke.". Nico eyed him closer then sighed. "Come kiss me then" He ordered. Percy gave a glance to Leo that said dont-look-at-this. Percy took a step forward. The ropes loosened. Leo ran to where Nico wasn't facing.

Nico was about to try and stop Leo but Percy was already kissing Nico. Just as Leo was about to stab and kill Nico, Nico pulled apart and whirled round. The dagger found itself dead straight... at grass.

Thats a bad cliffhanger.
But ok.

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