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Nico approached Annabeth with an evil glint in his eyes. "Percy kiss me" He charmspoke Percy. Percy leaned in and kissed him. After a few minutes of kissing and pulled apart. Nico felt he was going to die of laughter when he saw Annabeth'a mortified expression. "Percy why did you... Why did you..." She looked stunned.

Percy snapped back to his senses for a moment, "Annabeth I- Nico he-". "Percy go back to your spell" Nico ordered. A foggy mist spread over Percy's eyes and his expression turned blank. "You... Are putting a spell on... Percy?!" Annabeth shouted at Nico.

Nico just laughed, "Why but of course! Were you to stupid to notice it at first?". Annabeth looked greatly insulted, but she didn't say anything. "Annabeth, now what to do with you?". "Hah! You wouldn't be stupid enough to do anything to me! You know it's not that smart! The others will realise what you are doing!" She grinned.

"Oh don't worry I'll deal with them next! Maybe I'll spare some people..." Nico went into deep thought, "Anyway! Ive decided what to do with you! You will now become lovesick with whoever you see!". "You wouldn't do that..." Annabeth murdered "You would never...".

Nico's eyes cleared for a second before they went back to foggy and misty. He smirked, "Oh yes I would, and I will" Nico cleared his throat, "Annabeth you are now lovesick with whomever you see, it does not matter wether it is a girl or boy, you will be obsessed, oh and one more thing, I am now your master and you will obey whatever order I give you".

Annabeth's eyes turned foggy and misty.

Then she snapped back to reality, "Oh Master, You are so hawt! I want to kiss you sooo badly!". "Then kiss me if you really want to" Nico smirked. Annabeth leaned in and kissed him but the bad thing about the kiss was it was soft and passionate.

A few minutes of kissing passed. Percy just stood there, staring into space, not caring if Annabeth was kissing Nico. Percy was too mesmerized by Nico's looks. Annabeth and Nico broke apart but Annabeth kept on kissing Nico until he said: "Annabeth stop". Annabeth immediately stopped.

"Now come with me little pawns". "Yes Master" Percy and Annabeth both said in unison.

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One thing
This chapter is still not completed
Maybe it is idk?
It's just that I want to write what happens next during this chapter
But I still haven't decided
Sooo this chapter I still under editing

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