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Leo approached Camp half-blood. What is this? Leo looked around. A ominous dark castle towered above him. There were no half-bloods in sight. What is going on? Leo approached a dark, box-shaped room and pulled the door open. Leo was shocked at what he saw.

He took a few steps forward, "Percy? What happened to you?". "Nico happened, Leo" Percy responded weakly. Leo burned with anger, How did I not realise? He thought. "What did he do to you?" Leo asked. "Isn't it obvious enough?" Percy did some weak hand gestures towards parts of his body. Scratches and Blood was splattered on his short. His face was bleeding as well. Practically, every single part of Percy was covered in blood.

"Leo," Percy started, "This chair that is strapped to me is draining my free will... Or something... Maybe my would but... Listen if I get my free will taken from me and you get under Nico's spell it's game over practically". "Then I'll start by getting you out of this chair!" Leo grinned. He broke the chair into pieces.

"I have a place to hide" Leo looked back at Percy "Come on."

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Percy and Leo trudged through the forest for what seemed ages. "Are we nearly there yet?" Percy complained. Leo started "No, were not nearly there yet-", Percy groaned, "AheM- You did not let me finish- We are not nearly there yet because we are here".

Leo pulled some leaves away and it uncovered a small cabin covered in moss... And other nature stuff. "Wow..." Percy gaped at the outer of the place, "I know it's not much.." Leo said "But at least it's something".

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"So what's the plan?" Leo eyed Percy and for a few moments there was silence, until Percy finally grinned and said: "I have the perfect plan".


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