Chapter 2

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I was in my childhood home in LA, six years old, clutching my stuffed rabbit. A wall of fire was building itself up all around me. I couldn't see anything through the thick flames, but I could hear three voices.

"Josh, why are you doing this? Why?" I heard the pained voice of Henry Evans ask.

"Because that money should have been mine! Mine! I'm the oldest; it should have been mine! But no, you're the perfect one. You have the perfect marriage, the perfect kid, everything! I've got nothing!" Joshua Evans replied.

"Josh, if you wanted a share, all you had to do was ask and we would have given it to you!" Bridget Evans, Henry's wife, said. Joshua roared loudly, utter hatred lacing his voice.

"It's not enough! Nothing you could give me could ever be enough!" he yelled.

"Josh, please don't-" Henry was silenced by a gunshot. Bridget barely had the time to scream before she was silenced too. Suddenly, I saw Joshua's blood-splattered face peering over the ring of fire, a snarl decorating it. He said nothing, but raised a gun to my head. He cocked his gun. He put his hand to the trigger--

I woke up, ice-cold sweat running down my back. I looked to my left. Lucille was still asleep, thankfully. I ran a hand through my hair. I had been having that dream since the fire. It was almost like a friend.

A friend that I hated.

Henry and Bridget Evans were my mother and father. They had married young, when both were 25, and they had me early on in their marriage. Joshua was my uncle on my father's side, being older than my father by 3 years. Joshua and Henry had come from a old-money family; both had gone to Harvard and graduated with honors, and both were liked by everyone they met.

And then their father, my grandfather, died.

In his will, my grandfather left everything to my father. Joshua had gone a bit off-the-rails in college. He had gotten several girls pregnant, drank, smoked, gotten arrested, the whole shebang. My grandfather didn't want someone like Joshua in charge of everything he and the people before him had worked for, so he gave it all to my father. My father thought my grandfather had been too hard on Joshua. He was totally prepared to split the inheritance with him.

But Joshua didn't just want half. So, my father, my mother, and I had to go.

He burst into the house that night and shot them both while they were having a glass of wine. I had heard their conversation from upstairs, where my bedroom was. After killing them, he set the house on fire, hoping that I would stay asleep and just burn where I was. But a neighbor managed to hear the gunshot and get help. I had no memory of what happened afterwards, and I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to know.

After the fire, Joshua was imprisoned on the penal colony Brion IV, and I got placed into foster care. That was a whole 'nother thing in and of itself. I rubbed my eyes a bit and looked at the time. 0400 hours. I stretched. Sleep was always unattainable after my nightmares, so I got up, washed my face, and dressed myself. I was going to pin my badge to my uniform when a searing pain went through my stomach, causing me to collapse. Lucille turned over and, upon seeing me, gasped.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay, Violet? What happened?" she asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Must've tripped on something," I lied. Truth be told, I was in so much pain I could have cried, but I wasn't going to worry Lucille about some stupid cramps. I always got cramps after nightmares, but I usually managed them better than I did now. It was stupid of me to not think about bringing meds onboard. Screw it all.

After Lucille helped me back to my feet, she decided to get up too, and when 0500 rolled around, we went to breakfast together. After breakfast, I reported to a little training room, where Sulu was waiting for us.

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