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Hey everyone! I'm thatwriterchick, and this is my first ever fanfiction here on Wattpad! I'm really excited to start this awesome journey with you all, and I figured I'd start with a little intro.

So I LOVE Spock, and that's kind of why this fanfic exists! Personally, I imagine Spock in this fanfic to be the version of Spock played by the excellent Leonard Nimoy, because in my opinion, I think he did the best job. But NO shade at all to Zachary Quinto! Quinto had some big shoes to fill, and I think he did a good job with the character of Spock, but Nimoy's version is the one I most prefer. And the good part about fiction is you can imagine the character to look whatever you want them to look like, so if you like Quinto's version, you can totally imagine Spock as Quinto's version!

Also, this fanfic in some chapters will be dealing with sexual content, violence, and in one chapter, psychological torture. If these are sensitive topics for you, please feel free to click off if you're not comfortable and return when you are in a better place mentally! I want all my readers to have fun!

Let's get into a small breakdown of our lovely leading lady! :)

Burn To Ash: A Star Trek Fanfiction (Spock x OC)Where stories live. Discover now