Ed Sheeran wouldn't treat me like this

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'Do you trust me?' She feels the warm breath on her face. His green eyes look at her sternly, trying to get inside her head. She smiles, feeling the cold blade press against her throat. The blade is about to slice open the thin skin.  'Of course not.' She tilts her head, not loosing his gaze for a moment. He shakes his head grinning, pressing the knife even harder against her throat. 'Smart girl.' The cold steel creates goose bumps on the girl's arms. 'Do you trust me, then?' Now it is her turn to look at him intrusively.

He removes the knife from her throat, swinging it loosely in his hands. The light from the flames is reflected in the blade. 'Silly question for one who is in my dungeons.' Her eyes seem to look straight into his soul. His eyes slide down to her forearm. His souvenir is still carved into her arm. 'Did you like it? It's a promise, for what is to come.' The girl seems unimpressed. 'You didn't kill me, knowing it was inevitable. You could have finished it quickly, but now we are both wasting our time here.' Her voice sounds calm, but her eyes look at him fiercely. Her arm must be hurting. Yet she shows very little of it. Confidence radiates from her face, even though she is bound by heavy chains.

'Maybe I'm waiting for the right moment.' She laughs, the sound echoing through the dungeon. 'You tell me when the time is right. You can go now, your presence is ruining the atmosphere of the room.' The boy's eyes wander briefly through the icy dungeon. The torch shows just enough to know that there is no trace of atmosphere. 'You have absolutely nothing to say here. Maybe you've forgotten where you are. If I want to be here, I'll stay here. But the company here is extremely unpleasant, so I will leave. Don't get too comfortable, you will die soon.' The girl shrugs her shoulders and looks past him. 'You know where to find me.'

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