Patting my own shoulder

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The path is long and she's been walking for at least half a day. It's going to be harder than she thought to lure Four Stars through here unseen. The nymphs are surrounding the path, watching her every move. She can hardly believe it when she finally sees a tiny black spot, at the end of this endless path. That must be the palace. She quickens her pace, diving into the bushes just before the end of the path. Panting, she lies among the prickly green plants, which hide her from the guards. The palace rises high into the sky, and the dark stone walls give it a menacing feeling.

The path she has followed endlessly merges with another path, the end of which she cannot see. Just before the palace, both paths merge into one large path, over which several people are currently moving. There seems to be some kind of market being held in front of the bridge. Ramshackle stalls selling rags of fabric and food are scattered messily along the road. In a small fenced-off area are chickens and goats. Next to them is a small hut with a meat cleaver painted on it. People walk across the bridge as well, with donkeys and horses. The bridge merges into the gate. Solid brown doors are open, letting in the stream of visitors. They are apparently not very afraid of attacks.

At the top of the palace, on several turrets, the flag of Uthomor flies proudly in the wind. Around the castle is a deep gully of water. The only way to cross it is by bridge. A few inches above the water level are small windows, with bars in front of them. Dyses decides that that is where the dungeons are, where the children she seeks will be. 

The market is crowded, and all kinds of people walk busily past each other. It's a colorful bunch, with all kinds of skin and hair colors. Yet Dyses notices that there are no girls with black hair anywhere. There are blondes, and brunettes, but not a trace of the black-haired females. To her surprise, there are boys with black hair walking around. In her kingdom it is exactly the other way around. The Star had mentioned that, but the reason is still unclear to Dyses. Getting into the palace won't be too difficult, since the doors are wide open, but figuring out how to get to the children after that will be difficult. A loud laughter sounds, and Dyses turns her head in surprise.

A group of girls in similar clothing are walking in her direction, all holding buckets. They wear a simple black dress, with a white apron in front. Dyses recognizes the clothing; the servants in her palace wear something similar. Busily chatting, the girls walk past her, not noticing Dyses. One of the girls walks silently behind them. She has the bucket clamped against her body, looking a little sad. A plan begins to form in Dyses' head, and she climbs out of the bushes. She follows the girls through the woods, without walking on the path itself. The group of girls are not aware of anything. The only one who occasionally looks back is the lonely girl.

Her hair is neatly put up, and her shoes are polished. The girls walk a short distance along the path, then go down a side path. Dyses follows them silently. The little group stops at the end of the path, where there is a large well. The well is old, and a small bucket stands on the edge. The girls throw the bucket down. Rattled by the iron chain to which it is attached, the bucket falls. With a splash, it lands in the water. The girls fill their own buckets, until only the last girl's bucket is empty. 

'We will go ahead,' a tall girl with an arrogant face shouts. Dyses dislikes her right away. The girl nods, and walks toward the bucket. Dyses ducks behind a tree when the group of girls walks back, passing her at less than a meter. 'Shouldn't we wait for Aria? The forest is not a safe place.' A loud sigh is heard. 'No, we always have to wait for that girl. She'll be fine, what's the worst that can happen? And you don't want to be late, remember what happened to Nyra when she was late?' The girls shiver, and quickly walk on. Dyses begins to feel sorry for Aria.

The girl throws the bucket down, and pulls up the filled bucket. She looks around her nervously, trying to fill her bucket as quickly as possible. Only when Dyses is convinced the girls are far away, she creeps out from behind the tree. Aria does not notice her, and throws the bucket into the well again. Dyses sneaks toward the girl with the sword in her hands. She looks the same age as Dyses; at least she is the same height. The grass tickles at Dyses' feet, muffling her footsteps. Aria doesn't notice her until the cool sword rests against her neck. She screams, and stiffens. Dyses wraps her hand around the girl's mouth and pushes her against the well.

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