Why did I do that?

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Small sparks of fear float through Dyses' mind, but she pushes them away. She could be ruler of the world within a day. The very thought excites her. She, the crown princess of Aloriaz, suddenly the queen over the world. She walks toward the Star, looking at her expectantly. A loud murmur comes from her mother's direction, and Dyses turns around. Her mother has untied her hands, and is pulling the cloth away from her face. 'You're making a mistake, don't do it. The Star is a liar.' Dyses pauses. The woman a liar? Why? When she stabbed Dyses, nothing happened. That proves she is honest. 'You call her a liar, and she calls you a monster. I don't know who's telling the truth.' The Star opens the window, letting the cold wind in. The wind makes the curtains dance, gently tugging at Dyses.

'You're making a mistake in your reasoning there. What I think of your mother has nothing to do with whether she is a monster. Her actions made her into a monster. Just ask about the black-haired boys. Ask her what happened to them.' Desperate, Dyses looks from one to the other. Her mother's face is deathly pale, and she slowly shakes her head. 'I cannot tell you that. I did it to protect you Dyses, you have to remember that.' Her mother's voice sounds pleading, almost frightened. Dyses had never seen her mother scared before. 

'I'm not going to tell you either, come, we're going. You help us, and we'll help you get the power.' With slow steps, Dyses walks toward the window. What did her mother do that was so horrible? And what does it have to do with those black-haired boys the Star talks about all the time? 'How can I come with you?' she asks softly, casting an inquisitive glance back. Her mother looks lost, as if she already gave up all courage. 'Close your eyes, or the light will blind you.'  

Dyses stands next to the Star, squeezing her eyes shut. Her chest rises and falls rapidly, and she feels as if her heart is going to pound out of her throat. A bright light surrounds her, burning her squeezed shut eyes. Ice-cold flames lick at her skin, the girl's screams fading away against the loud rustling that surrounds her. After a few seconds, she falls down with a crash, slumping exhausted to the ground. The world spins in circles around her. Nauseated, she presses her hands against her eyes to make the spinning stop. After a few minutes, she slowly pushes herself up, looking around her. The wind blows her long hair in all directions. 'Where are we?' she stammers. She doesn't recognize anything in this strange place. The wind has free play on the barren hills behind her, and at the bottom of the hill on which she lies is the beginning of a huge forest.

'Welcome to Uthomor.' A shiver runs down the girl's spine, and she looks around her attentively. There is only one person in the whole world who can kill her, and she has just entered his kingdom. 'Do not doubt, you are a brave child. Think of your reward,' says the Star, and she walks a little way away from Dyses. 'Put this on, and make sure no one sees your hair. Otherwise you will be in immediate danger.' The girl gets a headscarf pressed into her hands, and several pins.

'Why? There are more people here with black hair right?' Something of doubt flickers briefly in Star's eyes. 'Your mother has decided to not tell her side of the story, and therefore I am unable to break her silence. You must trust me; if anyone sees your hair, it means your certain death.' The girl swallows, hiding her hair inside the headscarf. Only when not a single hair sticks out anymore the Star speaks further.  

'You must follow this path until you reach the palace. There, find a way to enter the castle. Our children are in the dungeons, you must free them. There are four of them. If you don't take all four of them out with you, you won't get the reward.' Dyses nods slowly. 'Why can't you go in with me?' 

The Star casts an angry glance toward the forest. All the light that flowed from her when she was standing in the dark room seems gone. 'In the trees are nymphs. Fate has determined that stars and nymphs cannot be together. It is simply not possible. Go now, the sooner our children are back, the better.' The woman walks away from the forest with quick steps. 'Wait!' cries the girl, running after the Star. 'How can I get the children through the forest if there are nymphs there? And how can I let you know when I've saved the children?' The woman turns around. Her light radiating from her face begins to shine brighter and brighter, until Dyses is surrounded by silvery light. 'Make sure the nymphs don't notice them. If that goes wrong, our children won't end well.' Dyses looks at the woman with wide eyes. 'I can't do all that!' 

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