That was A LOT easier than expected

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Dyses walks down the long hallway that leads to the gate. Servants shoot past her, carrying baskets full of bread. Delicious smells drift through the corridors. With her head bowed down, she walks down the hall. Aria mentioned a large door, and next to it should be the door to the dungeons. Carefully she lifts her head, and looks around her. The long hall she walks through is beautifully decorated, with paintings everywhere she looks. The hall ends in front of a large door. That's where Aria's door must be. Dyses quickens her stride. The faster she can free the children, the better. If Aria hasn't lied, she has half a day at most before the girl is freed, and can betray her.

Just before the big door, she pauses. She doesn't see a small door anywhere, which should be there nonetheless. Annoyed, she looks at the stone wall, which is stretching long. The huge door next to her regularly flips open. Cheery music escapes from the room. Servants with large trays walk back and forth. Dyses turns her attention back to the wall in front of her. Would she perhaps be looking over the handle? With her hand, she feels at the stones, looking for an opening. Her fingers glide over the rough material without finding anything. The rough stones do not reveal their secret. She angrily presses her shoulder against the wall, hoping the force will do something. She doesn't have time for this at all.

'Hey, you. Go do something!' A loud voice shouts down the hall. Dyses doesn't notice it, and continues studying the wall. Suddenly she is grabbed roughly by her shoulder. 'We're not paying you to do nothing. Go to the kitchen, and make yourself useful.' A large man is shouting at her with a red face. She feels like slapping him in the middle of his puffy face. How dare he yell at her like that, she is much higher in rank. Still, she resists the urge to slap him, and points her head down. 'Yes sir.' The anger she feels is not audible in her voice. His nails push deep into her flesh, and her face twitches. In any other situation she would have attacked him; after years of practice she is undoubtedly better at combat than this arrogant servant.

He murmers something, pushing her toward the kitchen, across the hall. Her face shows no emotion, as she walks toward the kitchen. This is absolutely not right, she should use her time to free those children, not play servant. She feels the man's eyes pierce her back. Only when she pulls open the kitchen door, and a warm waft hits her face, does the feeling of being watched disappear. As soon as she steps into the kitchen, a huge carafe is pushed into her hands. 'Serve this with the meal. Don't come back until it's empty.' Sighing, she walks back down the hall toward the large door.  

With quick steps, she walks through the door. The sooner this is over, the better. She has no time for this. A long hall stretches before her, with a huge table in the middle. Several people sit at the lavish table. In the left corner, musicians are playing a cheerful tune. A young girl sits cross-legged attentively listening to them. She moves her head to the melody. At the head of the table, with his back to her, sits a boy. On top of his dark hair is a gold crown pressed. A sheath hangs from his hip, and he watches the musicians silently. The plate of food in front of him is untouched, a half-empty glass of wine rests loosely in his hands. It must be Cassian, there is no doubt. Dyses suppresses her excitement, staying quietly in her spot.

A woman at the table gestures to Dyses, and the girl walks toward her. With a steady hand, she pours the water into the gold-decorated glass. The woman does not give her another look, and Dyses takes a few steps back, waiting for the next signal from someone. Keeping her head bowed, she watches the prince from the corner of her eye. Her heart is pounding in her throat. She is only a few feet away from her brand-new enemy. He has no idea she is here now. She could kill him, then she would be safe forever. Furthermore, no one in the whole world is a danger to her. She has to remind herself that it is not convenient to kill Cassian in his own hall. The chances are too high that things will go wrong. Still, her fingers itch to pick up the sword.

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