Kinda caught grinning at the dead body

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Cassian grabs hold of Dyses' body, lifting her into the water. Several Nymphs dive behind her, making sure she stays afloat. Her hair drifts around her head like a wreath. All she looks at is the boy facing her. Everything about him captures her. The way the wind plays with his black hair. How his eyes are deep green, with little specks of gold floating in them. How there is a dimple in his cheek when he talks. How his nose is crooked, but still a display of beauty. How the little scar under his lip moves when he talks. She does not realize she is being lifted through the water at lightning speed. She only pays attention to the deep sound of his voice. The sound soothes her.

All she wants is to be with this boy. She doesn't notice that she is being lifted out of the water, or that her clothes are now soaking wet. The important thing is that she is running after the boy. She will die if she cannot see him again.

Cassian turns, waiting for the Nymphs to walk past him. 'You didn't tell me it would have such a strong effect on her,' he says, smirking. Dyses walks behind him with an obsessive look. She follows him like a puppy. 'There is no mocking the love elixir we gave you.' Kallias, one of the leading Nymphs, walks forward and mutters a short sentence. Where before there were only sandy plains, a large gate suddenly appears. A Nymph is depicted on the left door, and a Star on the right. Kallias pushes the doors open, waiting for everyone to walk in.

Cassian looks around with wide eyes. The nymphs had told him about this place, but nothing could have prepared him for this sight. Four dark walls surround the place, ensuring that no one can enter. Everywhere he looks there are flowers. Flower vines decorate the walls and many wildflowers cover the ground. In the center of the place is a huge tree. It is the Tree of Life. The place where it all began, seventeen years ago. Its branches stretch across the entire garden. This tree looks older than eternity. Large fruits hang from the branches, bending under the weight. Next to the tree is a stone table.

The Nymphs look at each other excitedly. Cassian casts a quick glance back. He would almost feel sorry for Dyses, who is currently staring at him with wide eyes. He hadn't wanted to do this this way, but after everything that's happened, it doesn't feel like there's another choice. They both received a promise for if they killed the other. What she would get he does not know, but no doubt the reward would have been great.  The Nymphs promised him world domination, and they will bring his mother back to life. He must not hesitate now. Still, it feels unfair to kill the enchanted girl. If he asked, she would kill herself. That's how strong the spell cast over the pin is.

Cassian sighs, and walks behind the Nymphs, toward the table. There everything is about to unfold. Dyses walks unsuspectingly behind him. She doesn't even realize where she is. Let alone that she is about to die. He should have just forced her, or threatened her. At least then she could have resisted. Anything would have been better than this. Kallias stops walking, and immediately the group of Nymphs stands dead still. All look at their leader. The Nymph walks toward Cassian with a serious face.

'Do not be afraid, young one. Keep the greater goal in mind. Through this sacrifice we shall come to eternal power. Never again will we be bothered by Stars, and you will rule over the people. Everyone will listen to you, and your power will be unlimited. Are you willing to make this sacrifice?' Cassian cast a final glance at Dyses. She has settled down in the long grass, looking at him closely. Not for a second is she looking in any other direction. She looks as if he is the best thing in the world. 'Yes. I'm ready.' He suppresses the doubt he suddenly feels rising.

Why doesn't it feel right anymore? From his childhood, he knew he would have to kill this girl. Otherwise they would be the end of the world. And through her he could gain eternal power. Yet sacrificing her is a huge price that he no longer knows if he wants to pay. As soon as the words slip out of his mouth, the Nymphs begin to cheer. Flowers are picked and wreaths are made.

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