The child is crying, what do I do?

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Small shadowy shreds break through the deep black that has held her captive for hours. It is silent around her, and the floor is cold. The cold dances its long fingers all over her body until shivers run down her spine. A deep pounding arises in her head as soon as she moves a single thing. Where is she? She shoots upright, trying to stand. Her pounding head won't allow it, and groaning, she slumps against the wall. With eyes squeezed shut, she tries to take in as much of her surroundings as she can. Everything around her is cold. Heavy material clings to her legs; cautiously she opens her eyes.

Fear surges through her body when she sees that she is tied up. Her hands are chained together, and around her left leg is a heavy chain. She takes a deep breath and bows her head. Her hair falls past her face, the headscarf lying crumpled in the corner. 'No, no, no. This can't be happening.'

Someone has seen her hair, the Star had warned her about this. Why can't she remember how she ended up here? Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she looks around the room panicked. She tries to reach her sword. Her fingers only find the empty apron. Normally it hangs around her waist, where is it? A sharp pain shoots through her arm as she brushes past the fabric of her clothing. The dark light does not reveal the secret on her arm. Because of her tied hands, she can't feel the spot either. It feels as if someone has run a knife along her arm. That is when reality strikes.

Trembling, she stares at her arm. Cassian has been here. He is the only one who can hurt her. Shaking, she tries to wring her hands out of the cuffs, but they don't give an inch. Her memories come back, and frightened, she pulls on the chain to which she is tied. The only thing that happens is that the chain rattles. It doesn't do any good. Nauseated, she sinks her head against the wall. Why did she ever go in here? She should never have said yes to the Star. She will die now. Cassian would be insane if he wouldn't kill her.

Shuffling sounds to Dyses' right. Startled, she opens her eyes, trying to make out something in the darkness. Then silvery light begins to seep out of the dungeon beside her. The silver light coats the girl, revealing what is on her arm. Yellow puke splatters on the ground when she sees the C in her arm. The lines are bright red, and dried drops of blood rest on her arm. The sour smell fills the dungeons. With wide eyes, she stares at her arm. There's no doubt Cassian did it. 

But why? He could have just killed her. Then he would have been immortal, without anything threatening his existence. She is the only thing that could be a danger to him, and she is now in his dungeon. 'Are you all right?' a young voice echoes softly through the room. Surprised, she looks up, searching for the cause of the voice. To her right stands a young boy. White light floats around him. He smiles shyly, and briefly waves. Dyses hides her bloodied arm, and smiles back quickly. She feels her heart pounding in her chest, but does not show her panic to the child.

'Yeah.' Still, her voice sounds unsteady. She swallows, and takes a deep breath. Whatever has happened, she needs to escape. Along with the children next to her. Her chance at ruling the world hasn't gone away. It just got a little harder. 'Are you going to take us to mommy?' He folds his hands, looking at her curiously. Dyses smiles briefly, shrugging her shoulders. 'That was the plan, yes. But something intervened.' Disbelief shines through in her voice. How could she have been so stupid. It went way too easily, anyway. Of course this was a trap. There is one more thing she needs to know for sure. 'Has Cassian been here?' She stares at the carved letter.

If he wasn't, it means she's not immortal at all. Maybe the Star made a mistake, and she wasn't born from the Tree of Life after all. Thalassa comes to stand next to Arlo. She says nothing, and studies Dyses. Arlo leans against Thalassa, sticking his thumb in his mouth. Dyses looks at the pair questioningly. Thalassa looks at her guiltily. 'He was here, and he did that. The guard tried too, but he didn't succeed.' She points to Dyses' arm. 

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