Truth doesn't change the way you lie

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She walks through the space until she reaches the children's dungeons. With the key, she opens the dungeon of Stars. Surprised, they stare at Dyses as she enters. 'Do you have the key? Where did you get it?' Arlo comes running toward her, wrapping his little arms around her legs. Dyses closes the door smiling, and sits down on the floor next to the children. 'Why aren't we escaping? We can run away now, can't we?' Thalassa stands beside the door, feeling the handle. It moves. 'We leave at midnight.' Amazement appears on the children's faces.

Arlo crawls on Dyses' lap, hanging against her. 'Are we going back to mommy? Dyses nods, placing the pile of cloaks beside her. 'What are those?' Thalassa walks over to the cloaks, and picks them up. 'Cloaks, to keep the nymphs from seeing us.' An incredulous smile appears on the girl's face. 'Are we really going to escape? What about Cassian? What if he comes after us?' The children look at Dyses questioningly. 'Cassian himself gave me the cloaks. We are going to try to escape our fate.' Rhidian frowns, shaking his head. 'Impossible. What is prophesied will happen.'

Dyses ignores the comment, and strokes Arlo's curls. Dried blood sits in his hair. She doesn't want to think about how that got there. You have to be very evil to be able to hurt children. 'Can you ride horses?' Thalassa unfolds the cloaks, and nods. 'Me, Rhidian and Nayeli can ride. Arlo can't.' The little boy looks up, trying to look at Dyses. 'Are we going horseback riding?' His eyes sparkle. 'Does that seem fun to you?' He nods quickly, and climbs off her lap. 'We'll have to ride fast, though. The shorter we are in the forest, the better. Nymphs don't respond very well to Stars.'

Thalassa pauses, and looks at Dyses, startled. 'Do we have to go through the forest? You know the nymphs will hand us right back to Cassian if they catch us?' Dyses takes the cloaks from her, and hands one to her. 'Put one on. If all goes well, you'll be covered as much as possible. And we go at midnight, that's when most of the nymphs are asleep. And on the horses we'll be fast. Anyway, we have to try, there's no other choice.' Rhidian nods. 'We have to. Who knows when the next chance is. And the queen is not getting any healthier. When she dies, Cassian poses an immediate danger to Dyses. We have no time to waste.' 

Thalassa puts on the cloak, and flips the hood over her head. Her whole body has disappeared under the cloak, and her face is shrouded in shadow. It is impossible to tell that she is a star. Nayeli walks silently toward the cloaks, and puts one on as well. She, too, disappears into the dark fabric. 'Me too?' asks Arlo, looking curiously at the cloaks. Dyses nods, and helps the boy put on the cloak. Thalassa and Rhidian laugh when the cloak turns out to be way too big. The bottom drags on the ground, and the sleeves hang limply beside his body.

When he lifts his arms, Dyses sees that his arms only come halfway up the sleeves. 'I don't know if that's going to work,' Thalassa chuckles. A smile also hangs around Nayeli's lips. When Dyses pulls the hood over Arlo's head, everyone bursts into laughter. Arlo's entire head is gone, the top of the hood hanging far over his head. He stretches out his arms, and shuffles through the dungeon. 'I can't see anything!' Just before he crashes into a wall, Thalassa grabs his arm.

Crouching down, she grabs his sleeves, and rolls them up until his hands are visible. She also rolls up the top of the hood a few times. 'The only thing that can't be shortened is the bottom.' That one still drags behind the little boy like a veil. 'I'll lift him, it's more convenient anyway for when we have to be quick.' Thalassa looks at Dyses doubtfully. 'What about on the horse?' Dyses notices that the girl is not yet feeling confident. 'He can ride up front with me, is that okay with you?' She nods slowly. 'Do you promise that you won't leave him behind, no matter what?' 'I would never do that. Promise.' Only now does Thalassa seem to believe her. 'Okay.'

She hands the last two cloaks to Dyses and Rhidian. Silently they put them on as well. Swathed in the cloaks, they look at each other. 'We need to stay together, and make as much speed as possible.' Thalassa and Nayeli nod with serious little faces. Rhidian still looks doubtful. 'You cannot escape fate Dyses. Don't think you will succeed.' The girl grimaces. 'At least I can try. How long until midnight?' Rhidian seems to focus briefly. 'Two hours.' Dyses sighs and slumps against the wall. 'That means waiting, guys.'

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