~Chapter 11~

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The game starts with Atsumu spinning the bottle. While the bottle is spinning, the slower it gets the more uneasy you feel. Thankfully, it didn't land on you.

"Aww man, I want the bottle to land on (Y/N)..." Atsumu fakedly whines, secretly glancing at Osamu as he said that. Surely Osamu was infuriating.

'What is 'Tsumu trying to do here...?' Osamu thought in his mind, glaring at his twin brother.

"Come on now, Atsumu. What do you want me to do?" Ginjima asked since he's the one that Atsumu's spin bottle lands on. 

Atsumu placed his fingers on his chin, thinking intently even though it's just a game. "I dare you... to... hmm... aha!" A light bulb lights up above his head. "I dare you to sponsor me lunch for a week when we go back to school!"

Ginjima sighed in relief, knowing that the dare Atsumu gave isn't that bad. Ginjima nodded as an agreement before taking the bottle as his turn to spin. Ginjima does the same thing Atsumu did, eyes looking at you with a smirk. Making you and Osamu anxious.

He spun the bottle, in his head he was chanting to land on you, because he had a plan. Not that he wants to kiss you, he wants to make fun of Osamu. Everyone in the room does except for you and Osamu. Second good luck for you considering that the bottle is pointing further away from you. It points to nothing specifically, right in the middle of Osamu and Kosaku's sitting position gap.

"Geh!" Ginjima shrieks.

You clapped your hands. "Tsugi no [次の - Next one]~"

The next one was Suna. Once again, giving the look of simper towards you before spinning the bottle. Osamu notices how Atsumu, Ginjima and Suna give you the look. Why are they doing that? It confuses the grey hair fox. In actual fact, it scares him or creeps him out.

And worried.

The bottle slowly came to a stop, and another luck was by your side. It lands on himself. "Oh, should I give myself a dare?" Suna jokes.

"Give yourself a kiss will do." You went along.

Suna gives a vomiting expression. "As if. I do love myself but I won't kiss myself, thank you very much." Somehow, he was being dramatic.

"Ya know I was just kidding, right?" You deadpanned.

Snickers escaped from his lips. "Yeah yeah, I know." He rolls the bottle towards you. "Here, ya next."

"What?! No no no, Kosaku is literally right beside you. Let him first and save me for last." You retorted, rolled back the water bottle towards Kosaku.

"Buuuuut, ladies first." Osamu chimed. Looks like he knows the meaning of "ladies first" now, huh? Never mind, he was teasing you back then.

"Osamu, don't. For this time, save me for last." You sent a glare at him.

"It's alright guys, I can go first. Besides," There's the weird gaze he sent to you. "The last one could be the best." And off he goes spinning the bottle as fast as he can.

The bottle spins so fast that it doesn't stop for about 2 minutes. "How long is this bottle gonna stop? Dude, how much force did you spin on this?" Atsumu asked Kosaku, feeling impatient on where the bottle would land.

Kosaku nervously chuckled as he rubbed his nape. "Sorry man."

Nearly 3 minutes, the bottle stops. It was so close to you, the bottle point at Atsumu, which was sitting right beside you. "Ah! It's so close to you, (Y/N)!" Atsumu shouted that towards you instead of blaming Kosaku.

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