~Chapter 15~

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A new day came.

You had a gloomy face on and dark eyebags formed under your eyes. You couldn't sleep due to the sight that keeps on playing in your mind. You get it, possibly you were jealous. But you didn't know it could go up to this level that makes you suffer insomnia.

Whatever, at least the ringtone and notifications sounds were stopped. Perhaps he finally knows you stressed out. You arrived at the school building, walking to the shoe locker to change your school shoes. As you opened your locker, love letters and boxes of chocolates fell out.

Oh yeah, you forgot.

Today is Valentine's Day.

Well, gotta pack up some gifts.

"Ohayou [お早う - Good morning], (Y/N)~ Happy Valentine's Day." Atsumu came, greeting you with his charming smile.

"Ohayo-" Your (e/c) colour eyes turned dark when it landed on someone behind Atsumu. Miya Osamu. He had an expression, nothing like bluntness or angriness. Haply, a worried impression.

"O-ohayou, (Y/N)-" Without finishing his greeting to you, you walked away. Somehow, the boiling of anger in your stomach comes back whenever you see his face.

It's the same feeling from the days where you think he's annoying during the first year.

"Oof, got rejected again I see? Don't mind, 'Samu." Atsumu gives a pat on Osamu's back.

Osamu inhaled and let out the heavy breath. "Shut yer trap." He growled.

'Arara [アララ], his tension is getting stronger.' Atsumu thought, a sweat dropped.

"Yo." A certain voice called out to you. It sounds lazy, so it clearly is Suna. "Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)." You turned around, and yes, it's the dark brown-haired fox.

"Happy Valentine's Day too, Suna. Got any gifts from yer fangirls?" You teased, though your look shows otherwise.

"Well duh. They are so annoying. Like I decline their gifts but it just keeps on coming. I swear my bag is not gonna fit everything." Suna responded, making you chuckle shortly.

"You hate this type of day, don't ya?" He nodded. "Same page here." You held up your plastic bag that was full of letters and boxes of chocolates. "These are from my shoe locker."

"Oh, ew. How did they find your passcode for the locker?" Suna asked as he took a peek in the plastic bag while you shrugged for his questions.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Suna, (Y/N)." Ginjima appeared, both you and Suna greeted him back by nodding and saying "Happy Valentine's Day" back. "How's yer guys gifts? I didn't receive a lot, but at least I got some!"

"I got a ton." Suna replied, shoving his hands in his marron jacket's pocket.

You raised up the plastic bag and showed Ginjima. "Here's mine."

"Oh wow, ya win, (Y/N)!"

"Nah, I'm pretty sure I won." Atsumu showed up again, Osamu followed behind. You averted your eyes away from him. Looking anywhere else other than him. Confusion was written on both Ginjima and Suna's faces when they noticed that.

Oh yeah, they didn't know.

The fact that Osamu's presence can be felt really close to you even though he was standing a bit far away from you, was really infuriating to you.


"I'm gonna go. Have fun, ya guys." Before you could let Osamu speak the next word, you shushed him up. Not in the mood to hear what he was about to say. As your retreating figure was no longer in the four boy's sight, Ginjima and Suna turned to both Miya's.

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